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Vg Unexpected Disconnecting Call

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Trace show that the Dialogic card reported that it received an ISDN message from Telco that the call has ended.

Message arrived on the channel of the incoming leg of the call.


072602.918 764 2 ev GCEV_DISCONNECTED crn=28401d2

072602.918 764 2 gc_ResultValue: event 0x826 received on ldev: 2 - Normal completion



072602.918 19 2 1 ev CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED, crn=28401d2, iEvent=2 ,16384,0,64,,,]. vgEngine v7.3.4413.40408 (2012-01-31 22:26:55.92)


If you wish to independently confirm which end disconnected you can put an ISDN analyzer on the E1 trunk, or ask the Telco who they think disconnected that call.

It's also possible to enable ISDN tracing in Dialogic. (see: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/configisdnsetup.htm section "VoiceGuide ISDN Tracing")

This ISDN tracing works in both VG v6 and VG v7. Note that ISDN level traces usually only capture the first few calls on the board.

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In "Dial and Conference" tab option: Bridge calls together when: ... Ignore disconnect tones.

This option will ignore this kind of signals?


I turned it off to test, but will know that is right way.

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In that option only the tones that are heard on the line are ignored. Its an option that only would be used on analog lines, where tones are used to advise call progress information.


If the ISDN message advising end of call is received, then this is a definitive indication that that call was ended.

There is nothing to be gained by ignoring that message. The call has ended.

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I have new disconnection case:


135651.428 6 2 1 t timer set 60 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

135735.100 17 2 1 ev Dialogic 134,TDX_CST, crn=2840104, 1000,0,0,DE_TONEON,DISCONNECT_USER_1,

135735.100 17 2 1 q scr add evScriptEvent 134 DISCONNECT

135735.100 17 2 1 q scr add evScriptEvent 134 DISCONNECT_USER_1

135735.100 6 2 1 q scr run evScriptEvent sCode=[DISCONNECT] iActionID=0, crn=2840104[1000|0|0|0|0][DE_TONEON|DISCONNECT_USER_1||||]

135735.100 17 2 1 q scr add evScriptEvent 134 TDX_CST

135735.100 6 2 1 scriptevent DISCONNECT 1000|0|0 DE_TONEON|DISCONNECT_USER_1|

135735.100 6 2 1 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_UNKNOWN_134,DISCONNECT, [DE_TONEON ], [DISCONNECT_USER_1 ], []

135735.100 17 2 1 ev CallState LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED-DISCONNECT_USER_1, crn=2840104, iEvent=2 ,16384,0,64,,,]. vgEngine v7.3.4413.40408 (2012-01-31 22:26:55.92)

135735.100 6 2 1 path {DISCONNECT} not found


It should be interpreted as disconnection on USER 1 side?

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Next case unexpected disconnecting:



183253.367 10 2 1 timer EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

183253.367 10 2 1 q scr add evScriptEvent 9005 EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

183253.367 6 2 1 q scr run evScriptEvent sCode=[EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG] iActionID=0, crn=0[0|0|0|0|0][|||||]

183253.367 6 2 1 scriptevent EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG 0|0|0 ||

183253.367 6 2 1 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG,EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG, [ ], [ ], []

183253.367 6 2 1 path {EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG} not found

183253.367 6 2 1 PrepareAndPlayWavAndTts start iModuleIdx=560, iPlayFileIdx=1, bMakeTtsFile=False, sSoundFileIs=

183253.367 6 2 1 PrepareAndPlayWavAndTTS sPlayFile=

183253.367 6 2 1 state [Wait till end of call,_91] Playing wav ()

183253.367 6 2 1 q scr add evScriptEvent 8001 EV_PLAY_FINISHED

183253.367 6 2 1 q scr run evScriptEvent sCode=[EV_PLAY_FINISHED] iActionID=0, crn=0[0|0|0|0|0][|||||]

183253.367 6 2 1 scriptevent EV_PLAY_FINISHED 0|0|0 ||


183253.367 6 2 1 path {EV_PLAY_FINISHED} not found

183253.367 6 2 1 iCurrReplayCount=9, iMaxReplayCount=20

183253.367 6 2 1 t timer set 60 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

183327.148 17 2 1 ev CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED, crn=28401da, iEvent=2 ,16384,0,64,,,]. vgEngine v7.3.4413.40408 (2012-01-31 22:26:55.92)

183327.148 17 2 1 q scr add evCallState 2 GCEV_DISCONNECTED

183327.148 6 2 1 q scr run evCallState sCode=[GCEV_DISCONNECTED] iActionID=0, crn=28401da[16384|0|64|0|0][|||||]

183327.148 6 2 1 LineEvCallState crn=28401da event=2|GCEV_DISCONNECTED iCallState=16384 calldirection=0 gcCallState=64 [||]

183327.148 6 2 1 LineEvCallState eLineStateThisEvent=Disconnected, ScriptState=LS_PLAY_PLAYMSGFINISHED

183327.148 6 2 1 HangupCall, source=LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED, WorkModeScript=Running_Normal, yLineStateAppPov=[Connected], lPlayId=0, lRecId=664687

183327.148 6 2 1 moduleTitle=[Wait till end of call,_91]

183327.148 6 2 1 ScriptWorkingMode set Stopping, (called from HangupCall)

183327.148 6 2 1 ls set Disconnect_Pending (scriptstate=LS_ENDINGCALL)

183327.148 6 2 1 state Hanging up... [LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED]

183327.148 6 2 1 rv add [Hangup Source]{LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED}

183327.148 6 d added Hangup Source | LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED | ( 48 61 6e 67 75 70 20 53 6f 75 72 63 65 | 4c 49 4e 45 43 41 4c 4c 53 54 41 54 45 5f 44 49 53 43 4f 4e 4e 45 43 54 45 44 | 77) id=2

183327.148 6 d added Hangup Source | LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED | ( 48 61 6e 67 75 70 20 53 6f 75 72 63 65 | 4c 49 4e 45 43 41 4c 4c 53 54 41 54 45 5f 44 49 53 43 4f 4e 4e 45 43 54 45 44 | 148) id=2

183327.148 6 2 1 RecSoundStop begin trunc100ms=0, sCaller=Line_Hangup_Main

183327.148 6 2 1 q tel add cmd_RecordStop [0,0,0,0,0][||||]

183327.148 7 2 1 q tel run cmd_RecordStop

183327.148 6 2 1 GoOnHoook_IssueDropCall start (hCall_crn=28401da, yLineStateAppPov=Disconnect_Pending)

183327.148 6 2 1 WriteToLogFiles_CurrScriptOnly begin

183327.148 6 2 1 WriteToLogFiles_DoWrite begin : strLogFnameLessSuffix=C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\manager\all_custom_new

183327.148 6 2 1 WriteToLogFiles_DoWrite : log subdirectory does not exist: C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\manager\log

183327.148 6 2 1 WriteToLogFiles_DoWrite completed

183327.148 6 2 1 RvSaveToLogFiles_CurrAndStack iScriptCallStack_LastUsed_Idx=0

183327.148 6 2 1 t timer set 4 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_WAITFORIDLEAFTERDropCall

183327.148 6 2 1 q tel add cmd_DropCall [0,0,0,0,0][||||]

183327.148 6 2 1 GoOnHoook_IssueDropCall end

183327.148 6 2 1 ls set Disconnected (scriptstate=LS_ENDINGCALL)






183238.648 3320 18 CtEventProcess idx=101 : evttype=134(134), crn=0, data=0904A9C8(08B69E60), len=28(28) q: 0/3

183238.648 3320 18 ev TDX_CST (CST Event Received)

183238.648 3320 18 TDX_CST DE_TONEON cst_data=1017

183238.648 3320 18 tone description retrieve hli=11130EC8, iToneUserID[2]=1017 sToneUserName[2]=[FAX]

183238.648 3320 16 r Dialogic TDX_CST 134 (1017 0 0 DE_TONEON FAX )

183327.148 3320 2 CtEventProcess idx=102 : evttype=2086(2086), crn=28401da, data=0904A9F8(0F281560), len=28(28) q: 0/3

183327.148 3320 2 ev GCEV_DISCONNECTED crn=28401da

183327.148 3320 2 gc_ResultValue: event 0x826 received on ldev: 2 - Normal completion


183327.148 3320 2 gc_ResultValue: GC_ISDN_LIB 0x826 received on ldev: 2 - Normal clearing


183327.148 3320 2 CTelProxy::Event_CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED iLineCallState=16384, hCall=42205658 m_pktTelProxyClient=006E1400

183327.148 3320 2 r CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED

183327.148 4896 2 fn RecordStop(iLineId=2, iActionID=0, sFileName=, iTruncTimeMs=0, iTruncBytes=0, sXMLOptions=)

183327.148 4896 2 TelDriver_RecStop lTruncMs=0, lTruncBytes=0

183327.148 4896 3 dx_stopch call in RecStopTruncate

183327.148 4896 3 dx_stopch 3 ok in RecStopTruncate

183327.179 4896 2 fn DropCall(sLineId=2, sXMLOptions=[], crn=0)

183327.179 4896 2 TelDriver_DropCall(sXMLOptions=[], crn_in=0)

183327.179 4896 2 clearing sDTMFsReceivedBeforeCallAnswer in TelDriver_DropCall

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This event:

135735.100 17 2 1 ev Dialogic 134,TDX_CST, crn=2840104, 1000,0,0,DE_TONEON,DISCONNECT_USER_1,


Indicates that a tone "DISCONNECT_USER_1" defined in ConfigLine.xml was detected.

You can stop this tone from being detected by deleting its definition from ConfigLine.xml or changing the frequencies & cadences so that it less likely to be falsely detected.



This event:


183327.148 17 2 1 ev CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED, crn=28401da, iEvent=2 ,16384,0,64,,,]. vgEngine v7.3.4413.40408 (2012-01-31 22:26:55.92)


is the GCEV_DISCONNECTED event that indicates that an ISDN DISCONNECTED message arrived for that channel. ie. other leg of call has disconnected. (as described in previous responses in this thread)

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So I was deleted DISCONNECT_USER_1, DISCONNECT_USER_2 and FAX frequency definitions to eliminate this kind of disconnecting cases.


I found few unexpected disconnected calls and each one has reason DISCONNECT_USER_1, DISCONNECT_USER_2 or FAX so I thing it was source of problems.


I'm using PRI ISDN so is any other parameter witch should I delete to be sure that only ISDN signals controlling call disconnecting?

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Deleting DISCONNECT_USER_1 and DISCONNECT_USER_2 from ConfigLine.xml will remove those tone definitions.

There may be other "DISCONNECT" tone definitions in your ConfigLine.xml file. eg: TID_DISCONNECT

To disable it you need to change its settings to something unlikely to be detected. eg:











Please post your current Config.xml and the ktTel trace that captures system startup.

We can then better advise what changes to make.

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one more case:


105454.858 6 10 4 rv replace end [on {timeout 2957} goto [play warning]

on {GCEV_TASKFAIL} goto [C:\Documents and Settings\user\Moje dokumenty\VG\Scripts\Maciej\prepaid_temination_pro_15.vgp|]

on {GCEV_RESETLINEDEV} goto [C:\Documents and Settings\user\Moje dokumenty\VG\Scripts\Maciej\prepaid_temination_pro_15.vgp|]


105454.858 6 10 4 path {2} not found

105515.202 18 10 4 ev CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED, crn=28000cf, iEvent=2 ,16384,0,64,,,]. vgEngine v7.3.4413.40408 (2012-01-31 22:26:55.92)

105515.202 18 10 4 q scr add evCallState 2 GCEV_DISCONNECTED

It shows that caller pressed "2" button? How to ignore any input witch can disconnecting call?



105515.202 6 10 4 q scr run evCallState sCode=[GCEV_DISCONNECTED] iActionID=0, crn=28000cf[16384|0|64|0|0][|||||]

105515.202 6 10 4 LineEvCallState crn=28000cf event=2|GCEV_DISCONNECTED iCallState=16384 calldirection=0 gcCallState=64 [||]

105515.202 6 10 4 LineEvCallState eLineStateThisEvent=Disconnected, ScriptState=LS_PLAY_PLAYMSGFINISHED

105515.202 6 10 4 HangupCall, source=LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED, WorkModeScript=Running_Normal, yLineStateAppPov=[Connected], lPlayId=0, lRecId=0

105515.202 6 10 4 moduleTitle=[just wait]

105515.202 6 10 4 ScriptWorkingMode set Stopping, (called from HangupCall)

105515.202 6 10 4 ls set Disconnect_Pending (scriptstate=LS_ENDINGCALL)

105515.202 6 10 4 state Hanging up... [LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED]

105515.202 6 10 4 rv add [Hangup Source]{LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED}

105515.217 6 d added Hangup Source | LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED | ( 48 61 6e 67 75 70 20 53 6f 75 72 63 65 | 4c 49 4e 45 43 41 4c 4c 53 54 41 54 45 5f 44 49 53 43 4f 4e 4e 45 43 54 45 44 | 122) id=10

105515.217 6 d added Hangup Source | LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED | ( 48 61 6e 67 75 70 20 53 6f 75 72 63 65 | 4c 49 4e 45 43 41 4c 4c 53 54 41 54 45 5f 44 49 53 43 4f 4e 4e 45 43 54 45 44 | 180) id=10

105515.217 6 10 4 GoOnHoook_IssueDropCall start (hCall_crn=28000cf, yLineStateAppPov=Disconnect_Pending)

105515.217 6 10 4 WriteToLogFiles_CurrScriptOnly begin

105515.217 6 10 4 WriteToLogFiles_DoWrite begin : strLogFnameLessSuffix=C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Maciej\prepaid_2011_10_14

105515.217 6 10 4 WriteToLogFiles_DoWrite : log subdirectory exists, strLogFnameLessSuffix=C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Maciej\log\prepaid_2011_10_14

105515.217 6 10 4 WriteToLogFiles_DoWrite completed

105515.217 6 10 4 RvSaveToLogFiles_CurrAndStack iScriptCallStack_LastUsed_Idx=0

105515.217 6 10 4 t timer set 4 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_WAITFORIDLEAFTERDropCall

105515.217 6 10 4 q tel add cmd_DropCall [0,0,0,0,0][||||]

105515.217 6 10 4 GoOnHoook_IssueDropCall end

105515.217 7 10 4 q tel run cmd_DropCall

105515.217 6 10 4 ls set Disconnected (scriptstate=LS_ENDINGCALL)

105515.217 6 10 4 yLineStateAppPov: Disconnected crn=28000cf,ev=2,GCEV_DISCONNECTED,0, sParam1=

105515.217 6 19 7 q scr add evScriptEvent 0 OTHER_LEG_Disconnected

105515.217 6 10 4 LineEvCallState LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED begin

105515.217 6 10 4 ignore callstate LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED event as current linestate is Disconnected

105515.217 6 19 7 q scr run evScriptEvent sCode=[OTHER_LEG_Disconnected] iActionID=0, crn=0[16384|0|64|0|0][|||||]

105515.217 6 19 7 scriptevent OTHER_LEG_Disconnected 16384|0|64 ||

105515.217 6 19 7 LsXfer_9_WaitEndCall_OutLeg : 0(), [OTHER_LEG_Disconnected], 16384,0,64,,,

105515.217 6 19 7 hanging up 2nd leg of call (other leg cause)

105515.217 6 19 7 HangupCall, source=xfer_9_leg2 remote, WorkModeScript=Running_Normal, yLineStateAppPov=[Connected], lPlayId=0, lRecId=0

105515.217 6 19 7 ScriptWorkingMode set Stopping, (called from HangupCall)

105515.217 6 19 7 ls set Disconnect_Pending (scriptstate=LS_ENDINGCALL)

105515.217 6 19 7 state Hanging up... [xfer_9_leg2 remote]



attached files please For Your Eyes Only ...



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button 2 was pressed at 105454.858


ISDN DISCONNECTED event arrived at 105515.202 (20 seconds later).


these two events are not related.

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The attached ConfigLine file does not have TID_DISCONNECT entry.


To disable TID_DISCONNECT you need to change the Dialogic default setting for this tone to something unlikely to be detected.

This requires inclusion of TID_DISCONNECT entry in the ConfigLine.xml file.

Like an example below:


<Tone Name="Call Progress Tone TID_DISCONNECT">

<Notes>Default Setting</Notes>












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Can You write correct <Tone Name="Call Progress Tone TID_DISCONNECT"> into my config file?


Have You any list of Disconnect Events (CODES ) shown in log files?


I want to be sure that disconnections happens only in expected by callers reasons.

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Can You write correct <Tone Name="Call Progress Tone TID_DISCONNECT"> into my config file?

Please see attached file. This a suitable ConfigLine file for your ISDN based system.


Have You any list of Disconnect Events (CODES ) shown in log files?

The disconnect will be either due to tone present, or due to ISDN event.

Tone codes would be the ones that are listed in ConfigLine file, and the ISDN Disconnect event is reported as GCEV_DISCONNECTED.


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