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Latest version not doing 2-line call recording

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how to identify witch version I used before (properly recording) how to how to check version and confirm with install file??

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If you are having problems please post the script used and the VoiceGuide traces capturing system startup and the entire call.


Please .ZIP up traces before posting.


Version information is written to log file - see the headers at the beginning of the ktTel and vgEngine traces.

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Are you using a Run VBScript module to start a 2-line call recording?


Are you referring to '2-line call recording' when you say "VG now not recording calls!" ?


If that's the case can you post the VBScript that you are using to start the 2-line call recording as well.

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Please VoiceGuide traces (vEngine and ktTel) from your system capturing system startup and the entire call.


Please .ZIP up traces before posting.

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how to identify witch VG version I used yesterday?

Version information is written to log file - see the headers at the beginning of the ktTel and vgEngine traces.

Looking at the log entries created when you used VoiceGuide yesterday would let you see version number and build date.

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Please update your system to this version of the software:

[link removed]

and post traces as before if you still encounter issues.

NB. the traces in last post did not seem contain any calls to 2-line recording using the "14 August" version. The ktTel trace was over 2MB long and vgEngine trace was over 4MB long. When posting long traces please in future include the timestamp or other identifying information as to which call should be looked at.

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Can you please include the ktTel trace from the system. We need to see the ktTel trace to see how the 2-line recording is being performed on your system.

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It look like an old ktTelDialogicSR60.dll file was included in the last provided install.

The install below includes the correct (new) ktTelDialogicSR60.dll file. Please update your system to this version of the software:

[link removed]

and post traces as before if you still encounter issues.

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Please VoiceGuide traces (vEngine and ktTel) from your system capturing system startup and the entire call.


Please .ZIP up traces before posting.

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344 121139.937 3344 3 not calling dx_stopch as hli->dwPlayId==0

345 121140.031 3988 0|973 wrote 291 (lines=3) or=0 max=35756/361 curr=1 tesf=0

346 121141.015 3344 fn TsReset(sDev1Name=dtiB1T1, sDev1Type=, sDev2Name=dtiB2T20, sDev2Type=, sDisconnectionType=MATCH_

347 121141.015 3344 ResetVoiceBackToItsNetwork dxxxB1C1->dtiB1T1

348 121141.015 3344 3 Reset_voice_to_dti begin dxxxB1C1:4 to dtiB1T1:3 (linedev=3)

349 121141.015 3344 3 gc_GetXmitSlot 3 returned error

350 121141.015 3344 scroute devtype1=1:SC_VOX devtype2=3:SC_DTI 3,3,4 3,3,4

351 121141.031 3344 ResetVoiceBackToItsNetwork dxxxB13C2->dtiB2T20

352 121141.031 3344 145 Reset_voice_to_dti begin dxxxB13C2:147 to dtiB2T20:145 (linedev=145)

353 121141.031 3344 145 gc_GetXmitSlot 145 returned error

354 121141.031 3344 scroute devtype1=1:SC_VOX devtype2=3:SC_DTI 145,145,147 145,145,147

355 121141.031 3344 tsreset (nr_sc) completed for dtiB1T1 and dtiB2T20)

356 121141.031 3344 3 fn ReleaseCall(sLineId=3, crn=2800084, Param1=0)

357 121141.031 3344 3 gc_ReleaseCallEx crn=2800084 (hli->crn=2800084) in TelDriver_ReleaseCall

358 121141.031 3344 3 gc_ErrorInfo gcValue=66(0x42), gcMsg=[invalid call reference number has been used], ccLibId=0, ccLibName=[GLOBALCALL], ccValue=0x42, ccMsg=[invalid call reference number has been used], additionalInfo=[]

359 121141.031 3344 3 gc_ResetLineDev ok (called from gc_ReleaseCallEx_ERROR)

360 121141.031 3988 1|974 wrote 1389 (lines=14) or=0 max=35756/361 curr=0 tesf=0

121559.765 3344 gc_Close(5) ok

121559.765 3344 8 fn LineCloseDialogic(iLineId=8, strDxxx=dxxxB1C3, strDti=dtiB1T3, strOptions=, lOptions=0)

121559.765 3344 dx_close(10) call

121559.765 3344 10 dx_close(10) ok

121559.765 3344 gc_Close(8) call

121559.765 3344 8 TelDriver_LineCloseDialogic: gc_setchanstate not called. calling gc_Close.

361 121559.593 3344 3 fn LineCloseDialogic(iLineId=3, strDxxx=dxxxB1C1, strDti=dtiB1T1, strOptions=, lOptions=0)

362 121559.593 3344 dx_close(4) call

363 121559.593 3344 4 dx_close(4) ok

364 121559.593 3344 gc_Close(3) call

365 121559.593 3344 3 TelDriver_LineCloseDialogic: gc_setchanstate not called. calling gc_Close.

366 121559.625 3344 gc_Close(3) ok

367 121559.625 3344 5 fn LineCloseDialogic(iLineId=5, strDxxx=dxxxB1C2, strDti=dtiB1T2, strOptions=, lOptions=0)

368 121559.625 3344 dx_close(7) call

369 121559.625 3344 7 dx_close(7) ok

370 121559.625 3344 gc_Close(5) call

371 121559.625 3344 5 TelDriver_LineCloseDialogic: gc_setchanstate not called. calling gc_Close.

372 121559.640 1224 fn Shutdown()

373 121559.640 1224 fn Shutdown()

374 121559.640 1224 AppCleanup: stopping all channels.

375 121559.640 1224 asr pmrcpglbl->framework=0x0, hAppInfoGlbl->mrcpglbl.pool=0x0

376 121559.750 1224 AppCleanup : stopping helper threads

377 121559.843 3988 0|975 wrote 1109 (lines=16) or=0 max=35756/361 curr=1 tesf=0

121559.906 3344 gc_Close(8) ok

121559.906 3344 11 fn LineCloseDialogic(iLineId





121141.015 6 3 1 LineState_Reinit_AndReleaseCall: crn=2800084

121141.015 6 3 1 LineState_Reinit_CleanLineState : begin

121141.015 6 3 1 ls set Null_InGuardTimeAfterEndOfCall (scriptstate=LS_MODULE_TRANSITION)

121141.015 6 3 1 ls set ignore new linestate set as current linestate is Null

121141.015 6 3 1 ScriptWorkingMode set Idle_WaitingForNextCall, (called from LineState_Reinit_CleanLineState)

121141.015 6 3 1 linestate reinit iConferenceOtherLegLid=145

121141.015 6 3 1 d updtd TsRoutedTo |

121141.015 6 145 50 d updtd TsRoutedTo |

121141.015 6 3 1 TsReset [dtiB1T1][dtiB2T20] MATCH_ call

121141.015 6 q tel add cmd_TsReset [0,0,0,0,0][dtiB1T1||dtiB2T20||]

121141.015 7 q tel run cmd_TsReset 7|00:00:01.2656250

121141.015 6 3 1 TaskQue_ktTel_TsReset_Enqueue returned:

121141.015 6 3 1 ConferenceOtherLegLid_ClearBoth 3 145 (2nd was already cleared), caller:LineState_Reinit_CleanLineState

121141.015 6 3 1 LineState_Reinit_CleanLineState: not calling HangupCall on other line (3) explicitly. Suitable event should have been sent to that line already.

121141.015 6 3 1 Set_hCall crn=0, called from LineState_Reinit_CleanLineState

121141.015 6 3 1 strThisCallIsInboundOrOutbound clear. (LineState_Reinit_CleanLineState)

121141.031 6 3 1 eval ReleaseObject call

121141.031 6 3 1 q tel add cmd_ReleaseCall [0,0,0,0,0][||||]

121141.031 6 3 1 t timer set 3 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

121141.031 6 3 1 state Waiting for a call...

121141.031 6 3 1 ScriptWorkingMode set Idle_WaitingForNextCall, (called from LineState_Reinit_AndReleaseCall)

121141.031 6 3 1 ScriptWorkingMode set Idle_WaitingForNextCall, (called from HangupCall_AlreadyOnHook)

121141.031 7 3 1 q tel run cmd_ReleaseCall 7|00:00:01.2656250

121143.937 15 3 1 timer EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

121143.937 15 3 1 q scr add evScriptEvent 9013 EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

121143.937 6 3 1 q scr run evScriptEvent sCode=[EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT] iActionID=0, crn=0[0|0|0|0|0][|||||] 71|00:00:13.0625000

121143.937 6 3 1 scriptevent EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT 0|0|0 || LineState=LS_NULL_AWAITINGCALLS

121143.937 6 3 1 ls set Null (scriptstate=LS_NULL_AWAITINGCALLS)



121502.234 9 wcf PortStatus constructor start, parmameterless

121549.578 5 event EngineStopping not called as =null

121549.578 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

121549.578 5 VgEngine Shutdown begin

121549.578 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

121549.593 5 myServiceHosts .Close calls

121559.593 5 myServiceHost_Acd shutdown

121559.593 5 myServiceHost_Acd .Close call



I don't see anything what can help us.

Windows event viewer don't showing any problem.


Without no any visible reason VG don't answering calls, line status showing activity but not answering new connections.

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Attached traces show a call being hung up


Please VoiceGuide traces (vEngine and ktTel) from your system capturing system startup and the entire call.


Include entire call if problem is easily replicated in one call.


If problem happens at some stage during operation then please include sufficient traces to show at least 3-5 previous calls on the line on which problem occurred.


Please .ZIP up traces before posting.

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reinstalled version:


140332.328 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

140332.328 5 vgEngine version : 7.3.4601.33764 (RELEASE Build)

140332.328 5 created on : 2012-08-06 17:45:27.99

140332.328 5 AssemblyLocation : C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\vgEngine.dll

140332.328 5 LastWriteTime : 2012-08-06 09:49:52

140332.328 5 trace lvl=10, encoding=System.Text.UnicodeEncoding (Unicode)


working stable

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Thanks, now VG working properly.


Thanks a lot and sorry for my impatience.


It was for me critical moment.

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