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I'm using external tts program and want to know file is created.


133742.457 24 10 4 timer EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

133742.457 24 10 4 q scr add evScriptEvent 9007 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

133742.457 6 10 4 q scr run evScriptEvent sCode=[EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE] iActionID=0, crn=0[0|0|0|0|0][|||||]

133742.457 6 10 4 scriptevent EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE 0|0|0 ||


133742.457 6 10 4 Process.HasExited error when test (Proces zakończył się, więc żądane informacje nie są dostępne.). Assume completed.

133742.457 6 10 4 task completed. vgm=460, iRunWait=1, iRunWait_ExeResult_NextVgm=0=[]

133742.457 6 10 4 ExeResult_NextVgm has not been set. check for Result file.

133742.457 6 10 4 no result file returned from program (VGRUNRESULT_10.TXT).C:\IVO\ivonacmd.exe -l -0 -t "$RV[wartosc0]" c:\komunikaty\$RV[session_id].wav

133742.457 6 10 4 FindNextVgmTitleInPathList: next module title is=[Play 119]


So no success option is used, only fail.


How to get information that process is finished and file exist (without prompt "file is not found")?


How to check file existing?

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Looks like you are running this command:


C:\IVO\ivonacmd.exe -l -0 -t "$RV[wartosc0]" c:\komunikaty\$RV[session_id].wav


and would like to know when process is finished?


The only way that a Run Program module will take a success path is if the ran program creates a "result file" or one of VoiceGuide's APIs is called (eg: Run_ResultReturned)


If the program that you run does neither then the fail path will always be taken.


How to check file existing?

You may want to run a batch file which does the ivonacmd.exe call, and then checks for existence of file, and creates a "result file" indicating whether the task succeeded (file exists) or failed (file does not exist).


eg. a batch file would look something like this:


set outfile=c:\komunikaty\%2.wav

C:\IVO\ivonacmd.exe -l -0 -t "%3" %outfile%


IF EXIST %outfile% GOTO ItExists

set ResultReturned=fail

goto WriteResultFile


set ResultReturned=success



ECHO %ResultReturned% >> "C:\MyScript\VGRUNRESULT_%1.TXT"


and be called like this from the Run Program module:


mybatch.bat $RV_LINEID $RV[session_id] $RV[wartosc0]

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