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Inband Signalling Removed From Pro Version?

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Previously, with my 4.x 4 line professional version of VG, I was able to use inband signaling. Not only able - I was depending on it.


I had to upgrade to your 5.x version in order to get a version where the voicemail module would actually hang up when the caller did (per your instructions) even though DTMF D detection was possible everywhere else in a script. But now that I have "upgraded" to the 5.x Pro version I discover that not only did your documentation contain faulty advertising re: whether or not the configurable voicemail and subscripting were allowed (previously discussed), but it turns out **I lost the ability to do inband signalling too??** (Per your ini file...) You've got to be kidding. How do you take features *away?* I hope Microsoft isn't paying attention -- they might get the idea to charge extra for supporting the use of mice in their next version of Windows...


Before your 5.x version, I truly loved VoiceGuide and was looking for opportunities to sell it. Now, I truly question your business integrity -- misleading docs... *removed* features... etc. I feel burned.



- Is this the way future upgrades are going to go, forcing people into higher packages than what they need by stripping previously available features? IOW, should I bail now and find a better solution?

- What if anything are you doing to make up for the above - e.g. price breaks, reconsidering your licensing levels, etc. -- anything? Or do I truly have to bite the bullet and reclaim the features lost by paying twice as much?



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In v5.1 of VoiceGuide a couple of functionalities are no longer available in Pro version and got moved to the Enterprise version.


This was mainly due to the fact that we found that those features required significantly more after-sales support time and due to the amount of time spent supporting customer enquiries on these features we could not longer justify providing them in the less expensive package.


The online features table (http://www.voiceguide.com/vgFeatures.htm) was always updated before such changes were made, so I don't think that the documentation was incorrect.


We're fairly confident VoiceGuide is extremely well priced considering the features that it offers.


I've looked up your name on our client database and see that you have used VoiceGuide Professional 4 line since early 2001 and have recently bought an upgrade to v5, I'll ask sales to send an email to you indicating what price they can offer you to upgrade to Enterprise class license.

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