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Line Staying Open Until Timeout

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I have seen this before but attached is my log, the last call did this.

a) A call comes in

B) we place an outbound call

c) we record the call 1800 second timeout

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Please update system to latest version of VoiceGuide v7 and post traces if this problem occurs with the latest version.



164001.026 18   2   1 ev    CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED, crn=28400be, iEvent=2 ,16384,0,64,,,]. vgEngine v7.1.3777.39220 (2010-05-05 20:47:20.42)
164001.026 18   2   1       qScr  add   evCallState 2 GCEV_DISCONNECTED
164001.026  6   2   1       qScr  run   evCallState sCode=[GCEV_DISCONNECTED] iActionID=0, crn=28400be[16384|0|64|0|0][|||||]
164001.026  6   2   1       LineEvCallState eLineStateThisEvent=Disconnected
164001.026  6   2   1       LineEvCallState ScriptState=LS_XFER_9_WAITENDCALL_DialingSide
164001.026  6   2   1       ls    set   Disconnected   (scriptstate=LS_XFER_9_WAITENDCALL_DialingSide)
164001.026  6   2   1       yLineStateAppPov: Disconnected crn=28400be,ev=2,GCEV_DISCONNECTED,0, sParam1=
164001.026  6  67  23       qScr  add   evScriptEvent 0 OTHER_LEG_Disconnected
164001.026  6   2   1       LineEvCallState LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED begin
164001.026  6   2   1       in LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED iState=LS_XFER_9_WAITENDCALL_DialingSide
164001.026  6   2   1       qScr  add   evScriptEvent 9250 DISCONNECTED
164001.026  6   2   1       HangupCall, source=LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED, WorkModeScript=Running_Normal, yLineStateAppPov=[Disconnected], lPlayId=0, lRecId=0
164001.026  6   2   1                   moduleTitle=[Hangup]
164001.026  6   2   1       ScriptWorkingMode set Stopping, (called from HangupCall)
164001.026  6   2   1 state Hanging up... [LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED]
164001.026  6   2   1       rv    add [Hangup Source]{LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED}
164001.026  6   2   1       GoOnHoook_IssueDropCall start (hCall_crn=28400be)
164001.026  6   2   1 t     timer set   10 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_WAITFORIDLEAFTERDropCall
164001.026  6   2   1       timer set   completed lTimeLeft250msUnits=40, iTimeoutCode=9101
164001.026  6   2   1       qTel  add   cmd_DropCall [0,0,0,0,0][||||]
164001.026  6   2   1       GoOnHoook_IssueDropCall end
164001.026  6  67  23       qScr  run   evScriptEvent sCode=[OTHER_LEG_Disconnected] iActionID=0, crn=0[16384|0|64|0|0][|||||]
164001.026  6  67  23       scriptevent OTHER_LEG_Disconnected  param1:, param2:, param3:
164001.026  6  67  23       LsPlayMsgFinished EV_UNKNOWN_0,OTHER_LEG_Disconnected, [ ], [ ], []
164001.026  6  67  23       path {OTHER_LEG_Disconnected} not found
164001.026  6   2   1       qScr  run   evScriptEvent sCode=[DISCONNECTED] iActionID=0, crn=0[0|64|0|0|0][|||||]
164001.026  6   2   1       scriptevent DISCONNECTED  param1:, param2:, param3:
164001.026  6   2   1       LsEndingCall DISCONNECTED 0 
164001.026  7   2   1       qTel  run   cmd_DropCall
164001.026 18   2   1 ev    Dialogic 2053,GCEV_DROPCALL, crn=28400be, 2053,0,0,,,
164001.026 18   2   1       qScr  add   evScriptEvent 2053 GCEV_DROPCALL
164001.026 18   2   1 ev    CallState GCEV_DROPCALL, crn=28400be, iEvent=2 ,1,0,32,,,]. vgEngine v7.1.3777.39220 (2010-05-05 20:47:20.42)
164001.026  6   2   1       qScr  run   evScriptEvent sCode=[GCEV_DROPCALL] iActionID=0, crn=28400be[2053|0|0|0|0][|||||]
164001.026 18   2   1       qScr  add   evCallState 2 GCEV_DROPCALL
164001.026  6   2   1       scriptevent GCEV_DROPCALL  param1:, param2:, param3:
164001.026  6   2   1       LsEndingCall GCEV_DROPCALL 2053 
164001.026  6   2   1       qScr  run   evCallState sCode=[GCEV_DROPCALL] iActionID=0, crn=28400be[1|0|32|0|0][|||||]
164001.026  6   2   1       LineEvCallState eLineStateThisEvent=Idle
164001.042  6   2   1       LineEvCallState ScriptState=LS_ENDINGCALL
164001.042  6   2   1       ls    set   Idle   (scriptstate=LS_ENDINGCALL)
164001.042  6   2   1       yLineStateAppPov: Idle crn=28400be,ev=2,GCEV_DROPCALL,0, sParam1=
164001.042  6  67  23       qScr  add   evScriptEvent 0 OTHER_LEG_Idle
164001.042  6   2   1       LineEvCallState LINECALLSTATE_IDLE begin
164001.042  6   2   1 t     timer clear (force=True)
164001.042  6   2   1       CallData.dateCallStartTime=6/1/2011 4:39:00 PM
164001.042  6   2   1       rv    add [CallHangupTime]{2011-06-01 16:40:01}
164001.042  6   2   1       WriteCDRlogs: begin (campaign=, CallData.iLineId=2)
164001.042  6   2   1       writing CDR logs
164001.042  6   2   1       cdr.sDisposition=ANSWERED
164001.042  6   2   1       NOTE  strDialoutTelNbr=12814980491, strCallerIdNbr=
164001.042  6   2   1       vg.ini/Log/CDR_LastData_SaveRv=0 - RVs XML will NOT be saved in LastApplicationData CDR field.

164001.042  6   2   1       ScriptWorkingMode set Idle_WaitingForNextCall, (called from AllScritpsCompleted_Cleanup)
164001.042  6   2   1       logs not written as LogEntryWritten=1
164001.042  6   2   1       LineState_Reinit_AndReleaseCall: crn=28400be
164001.042  6   2   1       LineState_Reinit_CleanLineState : begin
164001.042  6   2   1       ls    set   Null_InGuardTimeAfterEndOfCall   (scriptstate=LS_ENDINGCALL)
164001.042  6   2   1       ScriptWorkingMode set Idle_WaitingForNextCall, (called from LineState_Reinit_CleanLineState)
164001.042  6   2   1       linestate reinit iConferenceOtherLegLid=67
164001.042  6   2   1       rvns  add [TsRoutedTo]{}
164001.042  6  67  23       rvns  add [TsRoutedTo]{}
164001.042  6   2   1       TsReset [dtiB1T1][dtiB1T23] MATCH_ call
164001.042  6               qTel  add   cmd_TsReset [0,0,0,0,0][dtiB1T1||dtiB1T23||]
164001.042  7               qTel  run   cmd_TsReset
164001.042  6   2   1       TaskQue_ktTel_TsReset_Enqueue returned:
164001.042  6   2   1       LineState_Reinit_CleanLineState: not calling HangupCall on other line (2) explicitly. Suitable event should have been sent to that line already.
164001.042  6   2   1       strThisCallIsInboundOrOutbound clear. (LineState_Reinit_CleanLineState)
164001.042  6   2   1       qTel  add   cmd_ReleaseCall [0,0,0,0,0][||||]
164001.042  6   2   1 t     timer set   3 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT
164001.042  6   2   1       timer set   completed lTimeLeft250msUnits=12, iTimeoutCode=9013
164001.042  6   2   1 state Waiting for a call...
164001.042  6   2   1       ScriptWorkingMode set Idle_WaitingForNextCall, (called from LineState_Reinit_AndReleaseCall)
164001.042  6  67  23       qScr  run   evScriptEvent sCode=[OTHER_LEG_Idle] iActionID=0, crn=0[1|0|32|0|0][|||||]
164001.042  6  67  23       scriptevent OTHER_LEG_Idle  param1:, param2:, param3:
164001.042  6  67  23       LsPlayMsgFinished EV_UNKNOWN_0,OTHER_LEG_Idle, [ ], [ ], []
164001.042  6  67  23       path {OTHER_LEG_Idle} not found

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