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Copy Voicemail Msgs To Another Dir

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hi new to this so pls excuse if the question is stupid, I am trying to get all incoming voice mail msgs copied to another directort d:\test for example using the result variable voicemailmessage. Can you tell me where I am getting it wrong. VG is running on win2k pro sp2, dialogic card 4 port pci.


here is the trace log


181314.45 5 Waiting for a call...

181314.45 5 lineOpen(5)LineHandle=65798

181314.45 5 cl Vm_ForwardMsg 5, 0001, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1009181304_1_5__.wav

181314.45 5 vm frwrd vmb 0001

181314.45 5 RVreplace start: [copy $RV[VoicemailMessage0001] c:\voiceorders]

181314.45 5 RVreplace end: [copy C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1009181304_1_5__.wav c:\voiceorders]

181314.45 5 Run (VMB specific):copy C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1009181304_1_5__.wav c:\voiceorders


as far as I can tell the file should be copied ? any help appreciated.



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Please try using:


command.com /c copy $RV[VoicemailMessage0001] c:\voiceorders


as the Voicemail box's "Run" command.



copy command is a DOS command - so you must start a DOS command shell (command.com) and then execute the copy command within that.. some examples in the VG Help files's Run Program module also show how to use DOS commands (they use command.com similar to what's suggested above)

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Thanks, should have worked that one out myself one thin which threw me is a typo in your help files the rv is listed as - $RVVoicemailMesasge , it is correct listed elswhere thanks again.

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Tried it still no good, I see the cmd window run briefly but cant see the file in the c:\voiceorders I have checked for typos


here is the trace -

your help appreciated would like to get this sorted tonight I am onsite

implementing this. Thanks


205646.45 0 Loaded new voicemail configuration file (XML)

205659.70 5 linedevstate 2048 0 0

205659.70 5 callstate OFFERING 66280 0 4

205659.72 5 callinfo CALLEDID

205659.72 5 callinfo ORIGIN

205659.72 5 ring 0

205705.70 5 ring 2

205705.70 5 Answer the call at 9/10/2003 20:57:05

205705.70 5 lineAnswer(66280) => 66316

205706.25 5 callstate CONNECTED 66280,1,0

205706.25 5 WorkingModeTAPI=

205706.25 5 WorkingModeScript=

205706.28 5 Inband detection not enabled

205706.28 5 StartLoadedVgs at 9/10/2003 20:57:06

205706.28 5 tapi Reply 66316 0

205706.28 5 [Welcome] Number Input

205706.28 5 [Welcome] Playing (greeting.wav)

205706.30 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\VPQMCOSYS\greeting.wav]

205710.97 5 dtmf * (42,2)

205710.97 5 LsGetNbrsPlayWelcMsg *

205711.98 5 PlaySoundStop ok

205711.98 0 LoadedVgs_Find C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\vm\VmLm.vgs at idx=2

205711.98 5 [VmLmStart] Running vb script:[VmLmHangup.vgs]

205726.94 0 LoadedVgs_Find C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\vm\VmLmHangup.vgs at idx=3

205726.94 5 tapi Reply 65958 0

205726.94 5 [VmLmHangup_ForwardLastMsg] Running VB Script...

205726.94 5 RVreplace start (strlen>100)

205726.95 5 VBScript Run continuing...

205726.95 5 Hanging up call... [Run module : no success path defined]

205726.95 5 HangupCall_Common Mode=AfterHangupRun

205726.95 5 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE start

205726.95 5 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:66280) 0

205727.11 5 lineOpen(5) => 0

205727.11 5 Waiting for a call...

205727.11 5 lineOpen(5)LineHandle=65889

205727.11 5 cl Vm_ForwardMsg 5, 0001, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1009205721_1_5__.wav

205727.11 5 vm frwrd vmb 0001

205727.11 5 RVreplace start: [command.com /c copy $RV[VoicemailMessage0001] c:\voiceorders]

205727.11 5 Run (VMB specific):command.com /c copy C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1009205721_1_5__.wav c:\voiceo

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You can debug this by opening the DOS command window and just trying to run the command line in that window to see what happens..


What happens when you try to run :


copy C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1009205721_1_5__.wav c:\voiceorders


at the C:\> prompt ?


I suspect that all filenames/paths which have a space in it will require that the entire path/filename is enclosed in quotes... so try:


command.com /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0001]" c:\voiceorders




command.com /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0001]" "c:\voiceorders"

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Hi tried your suggestion the copy in cmd prompt fails with cannot find file - could this be related to long file name ie greater than 15/16 characters ?.



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If you have a space in your file path, you should put quotation marks around it:


copy "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1009205721_1_5__.wav" c:\voiceorders

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What did you type?


copy "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1009205721_1_5__.wav" c:\voiceorders




command.com /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0001]" c:\voiceorders




If you typed the first one then can you confirm if the file you typed in does in fact still exist?


If you typed in the second one... well... that would not work because there isn't really a file called "$RV[VoicemailMessage0001]" - that $RV is replaced by VoiceGuide before running the command...

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hi tried both without success, I cant even copt the file from a command prompt on my pc winxp pro, here is a screen dump trying to copy a saved msg from command prompt. I dont see how it wil work from the run cmd in the voicemail box if I cant get it to work from cmd prompt. As u can see the file I tried to copy does exist.


look forward to ur thoughts.



C:\> copy c:\program files\voiceguide\data\vmsave\0001_0907213522_1_3_.wav c:\new folder

The system cannot find the file specified.


C:\> copy "c:\program files\voiceguide\data\vmsave\0001_0907213522_1_3_.wav" c:\new folder

The syntax of the command is incorrect.


C:\>cd c:\progra~1\voiceguide\data\vmsave



Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is 0499-2C93


Directory of C:\PROGRA~1\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave


02/10/2003 06:25 PM <DIR> .

02/10/2003 06:25 PM <DIR> ..

07/09/2003 09:35 PM 128,046 0001_0907213522_1_3_.wav

07/09/2003 09:44 PM 144,046 0001_0907214435_1_3_.wav

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I see there is a space in c:\new folder


so you should use:


C:\> copy "c:\program files\voiceguide\data\vmsave\0001_0907213522_1_3_.wav" "c:\new folder"

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ok thanks should have realised that but I am still faced with the same problem. I need voiceguide to copy newly received voicemail messages to another directory/directories, I understand that cmd.exe copy command will not recognise $rv[voicemailmessage] is there a way to do this using cmd.exe or similar. any help appreciated.

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As the "Run" command for the voicemail box specify:


command.com /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0001]" "c:\new folder"

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hi I have got it to copy to c:\test using the following in mailbox run command


xcopy /d "c:\program files\voiceguide\data\vmsave\*.wav" c:\test


Looks like the rvariable is not passing the wav file name to the command.


here is the trace using the command you gave me, I omitted the " " on the destination dir as it is c:\test ie no space.


19543 3 RecSoundStart file[C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0002_1012160500_1_3_.wav] ok

19553 3 [0002] Recording Message

27654 3 tapie callstate DISCONNECTED 66395,32,0


27674 3 RecSoundStopTruncBytes ok

27694 3 LsVmLm_Rec EV_REC_FINISHED

27704 3 RVreplace start: [command.com /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0002]" c:\test]

27704 3 RVreplace end: [command.com /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0002]" c:\test]

27714 3 Run (VMB specific):command.com /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0002]" c:\test

27724 3 HangupCall called from [srvm]

27734 3 Hanging up call...

27734 3 PlaySoundStop ok

27745 3 fnHangupCall end

28926 3 tapie callstate IDLE 66395 0 0

28936 3 WorkingMode@Idle=


28956 3 tapi Reply 65607 0


29908 3 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE start

29918 3 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:66395) 0

29938 3 lineOpen(3) => 0

29948 3 Waiting for a call...

29948 3 lineOpen(3)LineHandle=66173

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sorry another question I have 4 lines, if I use the xcopy solution will it affect the performance/processing of voiceguide. I am intending to setup some 300 mail boxes each set to copy new voicemail msgs to individual directories

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Looks like the rvariable is not passing the wav file name to the command.


19553 3 [0002] Recording Message

27654 3 tapie callstate DISCONNECTED 66395,32,0


27674 3 RecSoundStopTruncBytes ok

27694 3 LsVmLm_Rec EV_REC_FINISHED

27704 3 RVreplace start: [command.com /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0002]" c:\test]

27704 3 RVreplace end: [command.com /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0002]" c:\test]

27714 3 Run (VMB specific):command.com /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0002]" c:\test


This trace is from a version of VG previous to v5.x - I can see that the first two traces posted in this thread were made using v5.x (and you can see that the RV was replaced OK in those traces..) so why did you the change the version of VoiceGuide you are running?


What version are you using now and why did you downgrade from using v5.x ?


$RV[VoicemailMessageXXXX] is not implemented in versions prior to v5.0


if I use the xcopy solution will it affect the performance/processing of voiceguide.

This time taken by the DOS command to copy files in this application is irrelevant - the load is so small that it will not have any effect on anything else - how many file copies will be done every minute? 1... maybe 2 ?

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I have been testing using the eval version at home, the licensed verion I have already implemented at a customer site hence the different versions you see in the traces.

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OK, - as you can see though it's probably preferable to test using the same version of software as is installed at customer site...

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ok testing from customer site, still not working with the result variable I can use xcopy but that will create other problems for me.


I ran the following from cmd prompt it worked

"C:\Program files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1013161256_1_8__.wav" c:\orders


C:\>copy "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1013161256_1_8__.wav" c:\


1 file(s) copied.



here is the trace, it stops


161303.86 8 Waiting for a call...

161303.88 8 lineOpen(8)LineHandle=65675

161303.88 8 cl Vm_ForwardMsg 8, 0001, C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1013161256_1_8__.wav

161303.88 8 vm frwrd vmb 0001

161303.88 8 RVreplace start: [command.com /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0001]" c:\orders]

161303.88 8 RVreplace end: [command.com /c copy "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1013161256_1_8__.wav" c:\orders]

161303.88 8 Run (VMB specific):command.com /c copy "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\VmSave\0001_1013161256_1_8__.wav" c:\orders

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Appologies just checked & used cmd.exe the following command from run in the voicemail box works.

thanks for your patience & help.


cmd.exe /c copy "$RV[VoicemailMessage0001]" "c:\orders"

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