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Wcf From Php

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Can you post a simple PHP script that connects to the voiceguide WCF and echos the status of the ports?

All of the help I have seen in this forum refers to the example script which is in C.

I do not have a C compiler, I would simply like to see a short script that connects and prints the status.

This should amount to only a few lines of code, so I hope you will consider it.


Also, is there a reference or a way to get a list of the interfaces that voiceguide exposes to WCF?


I have used WCF with other web services, and have tried a script similar to this one that I have used before, with no luck ...



header('Content-Type: text/plain');

echo "WCF Test\r\n\r\n";

$client = new SoapClient('http://gamma/wcftest/MathService.svc?wsdl');

$obj->x = 2.5;

$obj->y = 3.5;

$retval = $client->Add($obj);

echo "2.5 + 3.5 = " . $retval->AddResult;


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These below ones are the WCF implemented services. Try connecting to these:






The PortStatus one is the that you shoud be using to get port status information.


NB. other ones supported are:






the WCF service host base addresses are defined in vgIvrService.exe.config - so you can change the base addresses and bindings there if you'd like.

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