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Sample Config For 16 Ports Using Analog Card

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I have download the rev 6 and I can not see Sample Config for 16 ports using analog card.

would you please let me know where can I find it?



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In v6 you should be able to see these sample config files:


Sample Config for 12 port using analog D120JCT card.xml


Sample Config for 16 port using analog DMV160LS card.xml

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it seems that 16 port analog card sample is defected. it has T1 for network.

I have modified it to analog, now when I open VG, it says, "State Display Disable".


below is my modified file for 16 port analog card. please let me know what is wrong. or if you have the right file for 16 port, please email it to me.




<?xml version="1.0"?>













<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>













<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>












<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>













<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>











<script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\Credit Card Payment.vgs</Script>















Board-wide parameters





<Description>Flash time during dialing (10ms units)</Description>







<Description>Minimum Loop Current off time before it is reported</Description>








<Description>Minimum offhook time</Description>







<Description>Minimum Silence Off</Description>







<Description>Minimum Silence On</Description>







<Description>Minimum DTI Off - minimum time required between rings-received events</Description>







<Description>Minimum DTI On - minimum time required for rings received event</Description>







<Description>Offhook Delay - period after offhook, during which no events are generated

e.g., no DTMF digits will be detected during this period.</Description>







<Description>Pause Time. Delay caused by a comma in the dialing string (10ms units)</Description>







<Description>Silence and Non-silence Debounce</Description>







<Description>DTMF Interdigit Delay. Time between digits in DTMF dialing (10ms units)</Description>







<Description>DTMF length (duration) for dialing (10ms units)</Description>







<Description>Silence on and off debounce time (10ms units)</Description>

<Notes>debunce length should be really small so that

we can easily tell when the transition happens</Notes>











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I am using analog DMV160LS.

I am truly need the sample file for this card ASAP.

Thanks for your help.



p.s please note the file comes with rev 6 is for 16 line T1. but the name of the file is analog DMV160LS. if it is possible check it out and correct the file in rev 6 download files.


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Please use the sample DMV160LS Config file as it is provided, and post the traces showing system statup.


Enable logging by setting the log levels to 10 in VG.INI as per below:









Then restart VG.


Trace files will be created in VG's \log\ subdirectory.


Please post the traces.


When posting traces/scripts please .ZIP them up and post them as attachments.

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sorry about that. the zip file was RAR and your system didn't accept it. here is zip file with winzip software.



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OK, thanks for that, could you please try using the default 4 port (analog) Config.xml and post traces what happens at startup when that 4 post Config.xml is used?

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one of the attached is log file for 4 analog ports. and the other one is the Sample Config for 16 port using analog DMV160LS card, which is part of the download files.


please open the same file for 16 port. I believe this is the main problem. if you just send me a correct copy of the Sample Config for 16 port using analog DMV160LS card, everything would be fine.






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I could find one of my all config file for 16 port and it seems it works fine for me.

but Voiceguild.exe states, "State Display Disable" with this file.


then I execute vgStatusMonitor.exe and could see state display.


I just carious why there is no guide or documents for those who use Dialog 16 ports to usevgStatusMonitor.exe.

also why there is no right sample config file for dialog 16 port in download file?


I upload my config file for 16 analog dialog port for those people who has the same problem as me.


I would be appreciate if you correct the sample file for 16 port in rev6 in download files.


I close my case here.


Thanks for trying to help me.






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The 16 line Config.xml was not attached, could you please try attaching it again (maybe .ZIPing it up first). Also can you please attach a trace showing system startup with the new Config.xml?


In v5 and v6 the programs status screen will say "State Display Disabled" once the number of controlled lines exceeds 8. This is one of the older VoiceGuide versions' design limitations.


To monitor line status of larger systems you will need to use VoiceGuide v7.

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