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System Stops After Script Update

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Hello, I sent a full copy of the vgm.txt log to the support email address, but here is the issue:


At 7:54 AM, I updated the main answering script. I do this quite frequently and have never encountered this kind of issue before.


Unbenknownst to me, calls were not being answered by the system until after 8:30 AM when I discovered the problem and restarted VG. After the restart, everything works fine.


Here is a copy of the log during the affected time:


073953.13  14 state Waiting for a call...
073955.33  14 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT
073955.33  14 event EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT, iCode=9013 state=900
073955.33  14       setting iDialoutReadyToDialout = 1
075400.21     load  start [c:\script\Switchboard\Switchboard.vgs]
075400.21           MemStructVgs_ClearVgs [32]
075401.43   0 load  no module specifications detected in script. script load failed.
075401.46   0       Erasing Script (new loaded) Id 30
075401.46   0       VgsScriptFree [30]
075401.46           MemStructVgs_ClearVgs [30]
075402.46     load  start [c:\script\Switchboard\Switchboard.vgs]
075402.47           MemStructVgs_ClearVgs [30]
075402.56     load  end
075402.56           loaded Script Id 30: c:\script\Switchboard\Switchboard.vgs
075402.58   0       Erasing Script (new loaded) Id 32
075402.58   0       VgsScriptFree [32]
075402.58           MemStructVgs_ClearVgs [32]
080057.43  16 event callstate OFFERING 16 2,0,0
080057.43  16       script interpretor: vgmulti v6.0.3310
080057.43  16       fired OFFERING event to listeners
080057.43  16       set LineState().hCall = 16 in LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING
080057.43  16 cid   CallerID vars set (in 'offering' event) [,,]
080057.44  16       call AnswerTheCallIfAllowed from LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING
080057.44  16       rings=0, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)
080057.44  16 tw    ring 1
080057.44  16 ring  time since last ring event (sec): 0.00
080057.46  16       rings=1, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)
080057.46  16       should answer as number of rings reached
080057.46  16       not answering as no script attached to line. (VgsIdx=-8}
080057.46  16 tw    DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_RINGS,ET_RON,
080057.47  16 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=900
080057.47  16       LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_134
080101.52  16 tw    ring 2
080101.52  16 ring  time since last ring event (sec): 4.08
080101.53  16       rings=2, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)
080101.53  16       should answer as number of rings reached
080101.53  16       not answering as no script attached to line. (VgsIdx=-8}
080101.53  16 tw    DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_RINGS,ET_RON,
080101.55  16 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=900
080101.55  16       LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_134
080105.53  16 tw    ring 3
080105.53  16 ring  time since last ring event (sec): 4.02
080105.53  16       rings=3, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)
080105.53  16       should answer as number of rings reached
080105.55  16       not answering as no script attached to line. (VgsIdx=-8}
080105.55  16 tw    DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_RINGS,ET_RON,
080105.55  16 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=900
080105.55  16       LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_134
080109.63  16 tw    ring 4
080109.64  16 ring  time since last ring event (sec): 4.11
080109.64  16       rings=4, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)
080109.64  16       should answer as number of rings reached
080109.64  16       not answering as no script attached to line. (VgsIdx=-8}
080109.64  16 tw    DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_RINGS,ET_RON,
080109.66  16 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=900
080109.66  16       LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_134
080113.68  16 tw    ring 5
080113.68  16 ring  time since last ring event (sec): 4.03
080113.69  16       rings=5, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)
080113.69  16       should answer as number of rings reached
080113.69  16       not answering as no script attached to line. (VgsIdx=-8}
080113.69  16 tw    DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_RINGS,ET_RON,
080113.71  16 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=900
080113.71  16       LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_134
080117.74  16 tw    ring 6
080117.74  16 ring  time since last ring event (sec): 4.06
080117.74  16       rings=6, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)
080117.74  16       should answer as number of rings reached
080117.75  16       not answering as no script attached to line. (VgsIdx=-8}
080117.75  16 tw    DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_RINGS,ET_RON,
080117.75  16 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=900
080117.75  16       LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_134
080121.78  16 tw    ring 7
080121.80  16 ring  time since last ring event (sec): 4.06
080121.80  16       rings=7, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)
080121.80  16       should answer as number of rings reached
080121.80  16       not answering as no script attached to line. (VgsIdx=-8}
080121.81  16 tw    DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_RINGS,ET_RON,
080121.81  16 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=900
080121.81  16       LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_134
080125.85  16 tw    ring 8
080125.85  16 ring  time since last ring event (sec): 4.05
080125.85  16       rings=8, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)
080125.86  16       should answer as number of rings reached
080125.86  16       not answering as no script attached to line. (VgsIdx=-8}
080125.86  16 tw    DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_RINGS,ET_RON,
080125.86  16 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=900
080125.86  16       LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_134
080129.91  16 tw    ring 9
080129.91  16 ring  time since last ring event (sec): 4.06
080129.91  16       rings=9, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)
080129.91  16       should answer as number of rings reached
080129.91  16       not answering as no script attached to line. (VgsIdx=-8}
080129.93  16 tw    DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_RINGS,ET_RON,
080129.93  16 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=900
080129.93  16       LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_134
080133.94  16 tw    ring 10
080133.96  16 ring  time since last ring event (sec): 4.05



If I had not had logging turned on, I would not have even known the problem was caused during the script update. There was obviously nothing wrong with the script as it loaded fine during the restart. Please advise.

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Trace shows that VoiceGuide though that there was something wrong with the saved script:


075400.21 load start [c:\script\Switchboard\Switchboard.vgs]


075401.43 0 load no module specifications detected in script. script load failed.


Will try to add more information in this part of debug trace so that if his happens in the future we can better see why the system though the script did not contain any modules...

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