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Isdn Pri - Dms

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My prospective telephone vendor Qwest says that they can't support NI2 with our ISDN PRI circuit I have ordered from them, especially with regard to interfacing directly with a Dialogic board. I don't understand this, but I'm just trying to get something reasonable up & working here, some configuration that will work well with your VG software.


They said they supposedly could support DMS. Is there a problem with that to the best of your knowledge? Do I lose any important call or call processing functionality if I'm forced to use DMS protocol over NI2?


Thanks for your help.

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DMS is fine. Any ISDN protocol is fine. NI2 is just the most common one.


All ISDN protocol support the same functionality just the underlying message format is a bit different.


The Dialogic cards can work with all the various ISDN protocols out there.

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So the LD company has finally turned up the ISDN-PRI DMS circuit. They say things are looking good to them.


I've got the green light on the board, SR6 Dialogic Drivers with ISDN for the interface and DMS for the protocol specified in DCM. On this machine, I am running VG for Dialogic (trial) v6.0.3310.


So I set up ISDN Config (23-line) and I fire up VG.


I get the following message on all 23 lines of the display: State display disabled.


Not sure why.


I have attached the VGM & TW log files for your perusal.


Two questions;


1. Why do I see activity in the tw log on channel numbers up to 47 when I supposedly only have 23?


2. Can you pinpoint the reason I see State display disabled rather than: Waiting for a call or something like that?


Thanks much, I'm so close to getting this to work right now I can taste it....



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So the LD company has finally turned up the ISDN-PRI DMS circuit. They say things are looking good to them.


I've got the green light on the board, SR6 Dialogic Drivers with ISDN for the interface and DMS for the protocol specified in DCM. On this machine, I am running VG for Dialogic (trial) v6.0.3310.


So I set up ISDN Config (23-line) and I fire up VG.


I get the following message on all 23 lines of the display: State display disabled.


Not sure why. Oops, never mind. I just looked up the answer. VgStatusMonitor right?


I have attached the VGM & TW log files for your perusal.


Only question now left:


Why do I see activity in the tw log on channel numbers up to 47 when I supposedly only have 23?


Thanks much, I'm so close to getting this to work right now I can taste it....

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I get the following message on all 23 lines of the display: State display disabled.

You need to use the Status Monitor applet (VgStatusMonitor) to view the line status.


1. Why do I see activity in the tw log on channel numbers up to 47 when I supposedly only have 23?

The numbers in the traces are the identification numbers used internally by the system and the Dialogic card. These LineID's are not going to be numbered sequentially 1...x. At the beginning of the trace you can see which LineID corresponds to which channel/line.




195915.781 002 gc gc_OpenEx(:N_dtiB1T1:P_ISDN) completed ok (opening digital line), linedev=2

195916.046 004 gc gc_OpenEx(:N_dtiB1T2:P_ISDN) completed ok (opening digital line), linedev=4

195916.078 006 gc gc_OpenEx(:N_dtiB1T3:P_ISDN) completed ok (opening digital line), linedev=6



Traces show the initialization of the T1 trunk went fine. Have you tried placing a call into (or out of) the system?

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Turn up with ISDN-PRI DMS protocol went pretty well. 3 out of 4 things worked correctly.

1. My system was able to receive simultaneous multiple in-bound calls

2. Got DNIS just fine

3. Got ANI just fine.

4. Unable to make an outbound call


I have attached the log files showing the errors. I queued up 2 calls to be made. This stuff worked just fine in my analog world of D/4. I'm now using d240jct-t1.


The outbound calls happen at this point in the tw log file:


090252.328 004 ocxfn LineMakeCall(linedev=4, hcall=0, 16142157517, callprog=DX_PAMDOPTEN, timeout=60, params:[0,0,cid=,]) chdev=5, dtidev=4

090252.328 004 makecall protocol is: ISDN

090252.328 004 outgoing cid is blank. SetCallingNum not called.


Please see the attached log files for more info.


Do I have a configuration problem? I assume so. Any help would be much appreciated.


Thanks so much.



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Traces show that the error returned by the Telco on outgoing call is: "Invalid parameter - Invalid information element"


Looks like you will need to further configure the contents of the ISDN 'SETUP' message sent by the Dialogic card to the Telco's switch at time when call is made.

Your Telco should give you more information as to why their switch rejected the outgoing call, and what information element in the outgoing message was invalid. They would be able to trace the ISDN message on their side to see exactly what is happening from their point of view.


Can you use ISDIAG.EXE to capture the ISDN trace of an incoming call?

That way we can see what options are set by this Switch on the incoming calls and we can then configure the outgoing calls to have the same settings - as described in the "T1/E1 ISDN Configuration" section of the Help file. Online copy here: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/html/configIsdnSetup.htm

See the "ISDN Outgoing Calls" section. With D/240JCT you can use the 'CC approach'.


You can also use the ISDIAG.EXE test application from Dialogic for this outgoing call testing to test various configuration options.


Your local Dialogic card supplier should know what settings work with lines supplied by your local Telcos as well, so it would be a good idea to give them a call as well - they will usually know exactly what parameters need to be changed.




(as described in the "T1/E1 ISDN Configuration")





090252.359 006 gc gc_MakeCall(17818836532) call

090252.359 006 gc gc_MakeCall(6, [17818836532], 60) ok

090252.359 006 call progress detection not enabled. We'll wait till after connect

090252.390 004 ev GCEV_DISCONNECTED

090252.390 004 gc GCST_DISCONNECTED status gc:68:[invalid parameter], cc_err=906 cclibid=2

090252.390 004 ResultInfo gcValue=1286(0x506) gcMsg=[Event caused by call control library specific failure] ccLibId=2 ccLibName=[GC_ISDN_LIB] ccValue=[0x264|GCRV_CCLIBSPECIFIC|event caused by cclib specific failure] ccMsg=[invalid information element] additionalinfo=

090252.390 005 dx_stopch call in GCEV_DISCONNECTED




090215.031 002 ev GCEV_OFFERED (ktTelControl v2.4.0, Mar 1 2007 16:48:39)

090215.031 002 ocxev DoFireDialogic(dwIdx=23, 2, 2084, [GCEV_OFFERED], 2084, 0, 0, [], [], []) (dwIdx=23)

090215.031 002 could not retrieve CALLNAME

090215.031 002 ocxev CallerId(sLineId=2, hCall=0(0x0), crn=41943042(0x2800002) strCallerID=[7818836532], strName=[], strDialed=[1002])

090215.031 002 gc_CallAck(crn=41943042(0x2800002), 0xab6bf88 GCACK_SRVICE_PROC, EV_ASYNC) call

090215.031 002 ev GCEV_CALLPROC (2150) has no handler

090215.031 002 ocxev DoFireDialogic completed


090215.031 002 ev GCEV_TASKFAIL

090215.031 002 gc_GetCallState(crn=41943042)

090215.031 002 callstate=[GCST_CALLROUTING]

090215.031 002 gc GCEV_TASKFAIL status gc:68:[invalid parameter], cc_err=906 cclibid=2

090215.031 002 ResultInfo gcValue=137(0x89) gcMsg=[CCLIB specific] ccLibId=2 ccLibName=[GC_ISDN_LIB] ccValue=[0x11f|EGC_CCLIBSPECIFIC|cclib specific - a catchall] ccMsg=[bad message in service/feature provided] additionalinfo=

090215.031 not calling ResetLineDev

090215.031 002 ev OnFireCallerIdArrived (hli=0x1c6008) (7818836532,,1002)

090215.046 002 ocxfn LineAnswer(lLineId=2, lParam=0, strParam=)

090215.046 gc_AcceptCall(41943042(0x2800002), 0, EV_ASYNC) ok

090215.046 002 ev GCEV_ACCEPT

090215.078 002 ev GCEV_ANSWERED (ktTelControl v2.4.0, Mar 1 2007 16:48:39)

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Yes, thanks, you helped me get this working.


The ConfigIsdnSetup doc you provided was helpful in showing me that I had not updated my ConfigLine.xml to be a copy of the ISDN compatible version provided with the software. I was still using the default config.xml reserved for analog ports.


2 final issues on outbound calls:


1.) I can't make the caller id I specify in ConfigLine.xml be the one that shows up. I have Qwest as a carrier. I have to explicitly specify CC below because NONE doesn't appear to do the right thing automatically. Specifying CC in defsrc allowed me to successfully make outbound phone calls.


I don't know the difference between cc_origination_phone_number and cc_origination_sub_phone_number but I put a phone number in both. The outbound call is made but again, only the default caller id number provided by the carrier is what shows up. Any ideas? Do I need to set some other parameter as well? How about the DxCh parameters below?


2. I would be even better for me at least, to be able to specify the caller id number as a parameter in the calling queue. In other words, the caller id on an outbound call I would like to be controlled by the app and not by the setup. Is this possible right now or possibly in the future?








<defsrc>CC</defsrc><!-- options are: CC, GC, NONE --><!-- Notes: CC option cannot be used on DM3 cards (ie. DMV series cards) -->



<cc_bc_xfer_cap>BEAR_CAP_SPEECH</cc_bc_xfer_cap><!-- options are: BEAR_CAP_SPEECH, BEAR_CAP_UNREST_DIG, BEAR_REST_DIG -->

<cc_bc_xfer_mode>ISDN_ITM_CIRCUIT</cc_bc_xfer_mode><!-- options are: ISDN_ITM_CIRCUIT -->

<cc_bc_xfer_rate>BEAR_RATE_64KBPS</cc_bc_xfer_rate><!-- options are: -->

<cc_usrinfo_layer1_protocol>ISDN_UIL1_G711ULAW</cc_usrinfo_layer1_protocol><!-- options are: ISDN_UIL1_CCITTV.110, ISDN_UIL1_G711ULAW, ISDN_UIL1_G711ALAW, ISDN_UIL1_G711ADPCM, ISDN_UIL1_G722G725, ISDN_UIL1_H261, ISDN_UIL1_NONCCITT, ISDN_UIL1_CCITTV120, ISDN_UIL1_CCITTX31 -->

<cc_usr_rate>ISDN_NOTUSED</cc_usr_rate><!-- options are: ISDN_UR_EINI460, ISDN_UR_56000, ISDN_UR_64000, ISDN_UR_134, ISDN_UR_12000 -->

<cc_destination_number_type>NAT_NUMBER</cc_destination_number_type><!-- options are: EN_BLOC_NUMBER, INTL_NUMBER, NAT_NUMBER, LOC_NUMBER, OVERLAP_NUMBER -->

<cc_destination_number_plan>UNKNOWN_NUMB_PLAN</cc_destination_number_plan><!-- options are: UNKNOWN_NUMB_PLAN, ISDN_NUMB_PLAN, TELEPHONY_NUMB_PLAN, PRIVATE_NUMB_PLAN -->

<cc_destination_sub_number_type>OSI_SUB_ADDR</cc_destination_sub_number_type><!-- options are: OSI_SUB_ADDR, USER_SPECIFIED_SUB_ADDR, IA_5_FORMAT -->

<cc_origination_number_type>NAT_NUMBER</cc_origination_number_type><!-- options are: EN_BLOC_NUMBER, INTL_NUMBER, NAT_NUMBER, LOC_NUMBER, OVERLAP_NUMBER -->

<cc_origination_number_plan>ISDN_NUMB_PLAN</cc_origination_number_plan><!-- options are: UNKNOWN_NUMB_PLAN, ISDN_NUMB_PLAN, TELEPHONY_NUMB_PLAN, PRIVATE_NUMB_PLAN -->

<cc_origination_phone_number>877-866-8326</cc_origination_phone_number><!-- default CallerID phone number for outgoing calls made using this line can be specified here -->

<cc_origination_sub_number_type>OSI_SUB_ADDR</cc_origination_sub_number_type><!-- options are: -->

<cc_origination_sub_phone_number>877-866-8326</cc_origination_sub_phone_number><!-- default CallerID phone sub-number for outgoing calls made using this line can be specified here -->

<cc_facility_feature_service>ISDN_NOTUSED</cc_facility_feature_service><!-- options are: ISDN_NOTUSED, ISDN_FEATURE, ISDN_SERVICE -->

<cc_facility_coding_value>ISDN_NOTUSED</cc_facility_coding_value><!-- options are: ISDN_CPN_PREF, ISDN_SDN, ISDN_BN_PREF, ISDN_ACCUNET, ISDN_LONG_DIS, ISDN_INT_800, ISDN_CA_TSC, ISDN_ATT_MULTIQ -->










<Description>Enable CallerID for the channel</Description>


DX_CALLIDDISABLE 0x0000 // Disable Caller ID

DX_CALLIDENABLE 0x0001 // Enable Caller ID






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I can't make the caller id I specify in ConfigLine.xml be the one that shows up. I have Qwest as a carrier.

Most likely your Telco (Qwest) is ignoring any CallerID setting you make and is applying the CallerID it associated with your T1 to the call.


Have you made arrangements with QWest for them to allow you to set CallerID (from some number range they gave you) on outgoing calls?


Are you able to set the outgong CallerID when using ISDIAG.EXE to make the outgoing call?



2. I would be even better for me at least, to be able to specify the caller id number as a parameter in the calling queue. In other words, the caller id on an outbound call I would like to be controlled by the app and not by the setup. Is this possible right now or possibly in the future?

VoiceGuide lets you set outgoing CallerID on a per-call basis. Just add this entry in the Options fields for outgoing calls:



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The Dialogic MakeCall Utility may be useful here as well.


See attached Dialogic Make Call Utility description and .exe files.


does someone have the 1.4 version or higher of the dmu?




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