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Multiple Processors?

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Is VG multi threading and will it take full advantage of a Quad Xeon 550 with 2 gigs of ram? ( Dell PowerEdge 6300 Server )


Or should I just use a stand alone PC at 450Mhz 256 megs ram?


Does VG 4.8.47 have a memory leak? if you leave it to dialout on 2 lines for two days, it runs out of virtual memory, requires a reboot, then will work for 2 more days ( Dialing from 10 am - 8:30pm )

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The machine required depends on the number of lines used and the nature of the script.


For up to about 8 lines a 450Mhz P4 with 256 megs RAM is usually more then sufficient...

Is the VoiceGuide script used by the system calling any programs using a Run Program module which require many resources/CPU to run?

Is the VoiceGuide script used by the system calling any VB Scripts using the "Run VB Script" module which require many resources/CPU to run?


What CPU/Mem usage are you seeing on your machine? Can you post a screenshot of the Windows Task Manager which shows the CPU Usage history when the system is under full load with all lines busy?


Using Dual CPUs will always improve overall system performance - look in the Windows Task Manager - at any one time Windows is running 40-50 separate processes - adding a second CPU always helps.


VoiceGuide runs on multiple threads - but note it does not start a separate thread for each telephone line it controls - as having many processes results in performance problems when running large systems (50+ lines) as the computer would spend an awful amount of time just swapping between threads instead of running what it should be running in the threads themselves...


Exactly how much speed increase you will see with your system after adding a second CPU is much more dependant on any external applications that VoiceGuide is calling on your system, and the nature of the script used.


To ascertain whether more CPU/RAM etc is required first have a look at how your current system is performing - then you can better see what if any hardware upgrades would be appropriate...


Most memory leaks have in the past been usually traced to external VB Scripts called by VoiceGuide - if you could post your script here then we can have a better look at it and see what part of the script can be causing the problems... In general I'd recommend upgrading to 4.9.0 or v5.0 Beta19 (looks like Beta19 will be the v5.0 release)

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There is NO external VB scripts called, the only thing it is doing is running a voice guide script to dial out. It is very short, ie 10 modules, ask caller to press 1 two times, then record sound file, save it with the $RV_CALLEDNUMBER as the file name. That is all it does.


I have no problem upgrading, which shouldn;t be a problem for you to giuve me the upgrade, considering that I did purchase the software last december, and you will not provide me with the reg code for the newest version, to quote you guys, you supply that code for 1 year of future releases. You did give me the code originally, then you said that you cannot find me in your records.


Just so you know I will be installing the same version that I currently have on a new system, moving my dialogic 4 port card to that server. I will then e-mail you and ask for the registration code for that version for that unique ID. If you do not give it to me, then we will tkae this matter further.


I will then upgrade to the newwest version, which you recommended becuase you are aware of the memory leak, and taking your suggestiuon, I trust that you will provide me with the reg code for that version. If you do not, why do you say that I have upgrades for 1 year, but then decide not to honor that end of our contract, then suggest that I upgrade to the version that you will not supply me a registration code for.


Honestly, I think in the best interest of our future relationship, and that that you have currently with other clients, to supply that registration code without the hassle of me searching through thousands of pieces of paper for a credit card statement that shows you billed me. It is not my responsibility to keep your records up to date.

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Oh yes, I remember you now....


We have a record of you purchasing a single line Pro version two and a half years ago on 5th December 2000. Soon after that we supplied an upgrade to the Dialer license as well...


You claim that you have purchased a 4 line license in December 2002 but:


1. We cannot find your name on the list of credit card purchases which were successfully completed.

2. You wont provide the credit card number with which the purchase was made.

3. You cannot tell us on what date the transaction was made.

4. You cannot find the transaction on any of your statements.

5. You could not find the official email from us that we send to each customer after a purchase is made.


We've been though all this by email back in March... and although you seem to have the time to send loads of emails you were unable to find any time to find the record of payment on your credit card statement...

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Loads of e-mails? Umm no, if you recall in one of the e-mails I sent you I work 7 am - 8pm every day, I have not sent you an e-mail since march, becuase I have been that busy. I just sent one a matter of minutes ago.


Yes I did buy the 1 line license, it was NOT in december at all, in fact I recall it clearly being in May or June, yes, two years ago.


You provided me with the registration code when I purchsed the 4line license last december, and you also provided it to me some time early this year when I switched servers.... I will remind you that you, "Jenny" had no concerns as to me providing proof of a transaction. I had no reciept to to prove it. As you are well aware I do not use electronic means of organizing my credit card statements, this is mainly becuase they mail me the statement in a printed form.... This along with the thousands of reciepts and statements that I get go to my accountant, and are kept off site, in their fireproof cabinets. I pay them for this, I do not feel I should pay them to find one statement in that pile of paper to PROVE to you that there was a transaction on my card.


Like I said before, if you had this concern you iwould of asked it the first time you gave me the code, BUT you did not, that means when you checked if you were allowed to send me the code, you had a record. Now that you cannot find the same record, you are asking me to prove this to you.


Apperently you have lost the data, cannot lookup that piece of data, or are searching for the wrong name, e-mail address, or whatever method you use to verify the purchase.


THIS IS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVE TO YOU THAT YOU BILLED ME..... The most I will prove to you is that you have jerked my chain far too long. you provided me with the code the first time I had to switch a NIC, That means there was no concern, I even provided you with that code, I sent you the code to confirm that you had given it to me, would you like me to forward/post that e-mail in this forum so that ALL of your customers who are reading this argument can clearly see that you did send me the code? then we will let them be the judge of the whole issue...


Do you really think that I would spend this much time on this if it were some scam or whatever you may be thinking? I do that every day, I scam software programmers just becuase I went out and bought a $2000.00 4 port dialogic card and needed software to run it... Yeah, Thats right I was that dumb...


Thanks Katalina Tech, for making life misrable.


Now I have to go write a review, or 40, about your company.


promise, not threat.

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I guess other readers can now see what lengths some people go to to get a free registration code for VoiceGuide... ;)


Jenny was initially under impression you did purchase the 4 license as you said words to that effect in an email to her and well, heck, she just trusted you... so she sent you the code...


Guess that got you all excited that now you can get things for free... OK, our mistake for letting you believe this in the first place...


Last march when we were going thorugh all this with you we searched all the purchases made in December 2002 and could not find one which was from you - indeed we went through all 4 line purchases that were made and could link every one of them to a customer (not you obviously) and there were none that we could not link to a customer - so I'm pretty sure you have not paid us for a 4 line license.


Now take a bit of time to think about this:


Maybe you think you paid but in fact you haven't ... eh? possible ?


As for the credit card statements - it should take 5 minutes to go through the credit card statements but for the last 6 months you refused to do it... jeez... I wonder why....


and this expense would have been a business expense - so your accountant would have to have documented it - and yet you still give all these stories about it beeing too hard to find...


Have we jerked your chain ? naah... you're great at doing that yourself mate...

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5 minutes to find the statement?


Give me an address I am going to mail you a plane ticket to my city, I will pay for your hotel, meals, everything.


If you find the december, or possibly Jan statement in 5 minutes, good for you we will see the transactin on there. If you cannot find the statement itself in 5 minutes, you reimburse me the total cost of every last cent that I have paid to bring you here and the hotel charges.


If you do find the statements in 5 minutes and there is no transaction , then you pay me nothing.


Your explination of how i got a valid registration code sent to me by you was that "she trusted me" that is a load of crap, she had to of looked up the name, company name or e-mail address to verify that there was a transaction... which she did and that is why the code was sent to me.



Besides how do you come up with a date of December 5? where did this pop up from? The 1 line license was bought in may or June ( reason being is becuase it was going to be used for advertising a landscaping business, ie dialout numbers, therefore it was bought in the spring, when LANDSCAPING is done. Not december when there is 1 meter of snow on the ground. The reason 4 line license was bought in december, quite possibly the 5th of 2002, was for the 4 lines that my business has to answer the phone lines. Since winter is the only time I have to develop scripts for that purpose.



YOU came up with the date of december 5th, not me, how could this date of come up, unless you seen it on your databases and mentioned it. But you try to confuse the situation by bringing in the 1 line license that I bought 2 years ago ( the one in May or June )



I did not refuse to go through the statements, I simply do not have time to go to my accountant who closes his office before I am done work, and who opens his doors after I start, There is not time. I can't really exp-lain it better then that, if you understood how the construction sector was booming here, then you would know.

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Oh dear... should I even bother responding here....


Your explination of how i got a valid registration code sent to me by you was that "she trusted me" that is a load of crap, she had to of looked up the name, company name or e-mail address to verify that there was a transaction... which she did and that is why the code was sent to me.

The code was sent to you because you sent an email saying "I paid"... she said OK, he paid so here is the code - later when the search was made though the orders taken by our merchant facility we realized you didn't pay... but the code was already sent...


And after the thousands of license sales that we have made you're the only one in the "He says he paid but we can't see his payment" category - and given the situation (as outlined in the above posts) we're still quite comfortable with our order auditing processes....


Oh and regarding that May/December question: Looking back at our database again I see you purchased a Pro license on 5th May 2000, not 5th December 2000. Either way that’s a long time ago...


As for you saying you have no time... hang on where was this.. ok, got it... look what I wrote at the bottom of the 4th post in this thread...:

and although you seem to have the time to send loads of emails you were unable to find any time to find the record of payment on your credit card statement...


For all the other readers of this thread:

This guy has used up all of the "maybe he doesn't really know he hasn't paid" credits with us a long time ago. We've been through all this with him back in March already. If he was telling the truth and actually wanted to sort this out then he just needs to pick up the phone and call his bank or look through the credit card statements - not that he will find anything because he just plain HAS NOT PAID....

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This guy is "so busy" that he cannot look up a transaction to proove that he actually paid for the software liscense. However, he is not "so busy" that he can't take a break and post messages on this site, slamming the customer service, which is most helpful, and Bit@@@@@ about his service when infact he obviosuly hasn't paid.



DUDE GET A FREAKING LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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