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Run Program Module

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I am using a Run Program Module to execute a batch file, but for some reason the Run Program Module is not working. The batch file creates a new file that would be in the directory if VG was working. The Batch file works perfectly when lauched through DOS, so it has to be on the VG side. Below is the log, please note the line in red below as it seems VG is looking for some TXT files that have no relation to me or are anywhere on my system - Please help - Thanks





94968 5 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

94968 5 tapie callstate OFFERING 66375 0 4

94984 5 Lev_CallerID [13103086400,]

94984 5 tapie callinfo CALLEDID

95000 5 tapie callinfo ORIGIN

95000 5 tapie ring 0

00968 5 tapie ring 2

06984 5 tapie ring 3

06984 5 Answer the call

06984 5 lineAnswer(66375) => 66392

07515 5 tapie callstate CONNECTED 66375,1,0

07515 5 WorkingModeTAPI=

07515 5 WorkingModeScript=

07562 5 Inband detection not enabled

07562 5 tapi Reply 66392 0

07562 5 [Play 1] Playing

07562 5 [Play 1] Playing (Greeting.wav)

07921 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Greeting.wav]

07921 5 RunModule PLAY end

15000 5 tapie monitordigits 49 2

15000 5 LsPlayMsg [1]

15046 5 PlaySoundStop ok

15046 5 [Play 5] Playing

15046 5 [Play 5] Playing (Scott Greeting.wav)

15062 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Scott Greeting.wav]

15062 5 RunModule PLAY end

23140 5 wb(41504600)

23203 5 Play End line[5] (id=415046)

23203 5 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

24203 5 tapie monitordigits 49 2

24203 5 LsPlayMsgFinished [1]

24203 5 [Record 8] Recording

24218 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voicedlgc\beep1.wav]

24406 5 wb(42420300)

24468 5 Play End line[5] (id=424203)

24468 5 LsRecPlayBeep EV_PLAY_FINISHED

24468 5 RecSoundStart file[C:\converter\sm.wav] ok

24468 5 RecFile[C:\converter\sm.wav]

32750 5 tapie monitortone 1

33515 5 LsRecRecording EV_SILENCE_DETECTED

33515 5 Silence Detected while recording

33578 5 [Run Program 2] Run Program

33593 5 Run Program waiting...

34671 5 Could not find VGRUNRESULT_5.TXT or SHLRESLT.TXT

34671 5 HangupCall called from [rwtf 3777]

34671 5 Hanging up call...

34671 5 PlaySoundStop ok

34671 5 fnHangupCall end

34703 5 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

34718 5 tapie callstate IDLE 66375 0 0

34718 5 WorkingMode@Idle=


34750 5 tapi Reply 66341 0


35765 5 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE start

35765 5 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:66375) 0

35906 5 lineOpen(5) => 0

35906 5 Waiting for a call...

35906 5 lineOpen(5)LineHandle=65538

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Are you using


command.com /c


on the command line before specifying your batch file?

Run Program entry it should look like this:


command.com /c mybatchfile.bat



The "Could not find VGRUNRESULT_5.TXT or SHLRESLT.TXT" is just a note saying that the batch file did not return any information back to VoiceGuide - it's not an error.

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That does not seem to be working, i have tried several different ways:


command.com /c scon.bat

command.com /c c:\converter\scon.bat

command.com c:\converter\scon.bat


None have worked, what am i doing wrong?


Below is the log!


66937 5 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

66937 5 tapie callstate OFFERING 65997 0 4

66953 5 Lev_CallerID [13103086400,]

66968 5 tapie callinfo CALLEDID

66968 5 tapie callinfo ORIGIN

66968 5 tapie ring 0

72937 5 tapie ring 2

72937 5 Answer the call

72937 5 lineAnswer(65997) => 65827

73484 5 tapie callstate CONNECTED 65997,1,0

73484 5 WorkingModeTAPI=

73484 5 WorkingModeScript=

73515 5 Inband detection not enabled

73515 5 tapi Reply 65827 0

73515 5 [Play 1] Playing

73515 5 [Play 1] Playing (Greeting.wav)

73531 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Greeting.wav]

73531 5 RunModule PLAY end

77109 5 tapie monitordigits 49 2

77109 5 LsPlayMsg [1]

77156 5 PlaySoundStop ok

77156 5 [Play 5] Playing

77156 5 [Play 5] Playing (Scott Greeting.wav)

77171 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Scott Greeting.wav]

77187 5 RunModule PLAY end

80390 5 tapie monitordigits 49 2

80390 5 LsPlayMsg [1]

80453 5 PlaySoundStop ok

80453 5 [Record 8] Recording

80468 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voicedlgc\beep1.wav]

80671 5 wb(8045300)

80718 5 Play End line[5] (id=80453)

80718 5 LsRecPlayBeep EV_PLAY_FINISHED

80734 5 RecSoundStart file[C:\converter\sm.wav] ok

80734 5 RecFile[C:\converter\sm.wav]

85093 5 tapie monitordigits 35 2

85093 5 LsRecRecording [#]

85140 5 RecSoundStopTruncBytes ok

85140 5 [Run Program 2] Run Program

85156 5 Run Program waiting...

86140 5 Could not find VGRUNRESULT_5.TXT or SHLRESLT.TXT

86140 5 HangupCall called from [rwtf 3777]

86140 5 Hanging up call...

86140 5 PlaySoundStop ok

86140 5 fnHangupCall end

86187 5 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

86187 5 tapie callstate IDLE 65997 0 0

86187 5 WorkingMode@Idle=


86187 5 tapi Reply 65810 0


87234 5 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE start

87234 5 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:65997) 0

87375 5 lineOpen(5) => 0

87375 5 Waiting for a call...

87375 5 lineOpen(5)LineHandle=65861

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I've just tried this: In Run Program Module:


command.com /c c:\doecho.bat


contents of c:\doecho.bat:


echo This is a test from VoiceGuide > c:\myout.txt


and file c:\myout.txt was created with "This is a test from VoiceGuide" in it, confirming that VoiceGuide is calling the batch files. Test was done with current 5.0 Beta - but there was no work done on that module between 4.9 and current 5.0


Can you post the batch file which you are trying to run?

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Do you perhaps have an "On {Timeout 0}..." path in the Run Program module?


Can you please post the .vgs script file and I can try to reproduce problem here.

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OK, apparently batch files can run differently from system to system depending on how paths etc are set up...


I'm told that a sure way to get them to run is to create a shortcut to the batch file (a .LNK file) and run that instead... do a DIR in DOS to see what is the exact filename of the shortcut.


I'm not too sure how passing parameters to the batch file would work in this case...

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Ok we have made serious progress with this process but there are a few other kinks:


1) The command.com xpression locks up with VG, but cmd.exe works fine, so I can stick with that for now.


2) VG is finaly running the batch file successfully using the following command line in your Run Program Module (c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\scon.lnk), but for whatever reason VG will not move onto the email module, the only way i got it to successful move to the Email module was to add a Fail path in the Run Command Module.


3) in my batch file last line i have a "close" command, when i execute the batch command outside of VG it runs everything and then executes the close command hence closes the DOS window. WHen the batch file gets executed from VG i get this error:


'close' is not recognized as an internal or external coomand, operable program or batch file. Why is this? Below is what is in my batch file:


del c:\converter\sm2.wav %1

c:\converter\audiocv.exe -of 48000 sm.wav sm2.wav %2

c:\converter\BladeEnc.exe -quit c:\converter\sm2.wav %3

close %4




Here is also my log - Thanks


45046 5 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

45062 5 tapie callstate OFFERING 65812 0 4

45062 5 Answer the call

45078 5 lineAnswer(65812) => 66119

45078 5 Lev_CallerID [13103086400,]

45078 5 tapie callinfo CALLEDID

45078 5 tapie callinfo ORIGIN

45078 5 tapie ring 0

45609 5 tapie callstate CONNECTED 65812,1,0

45609 5 WorkingModeTAPI=

45609 5 WorkingModeScript=

45656 5 Inband detection not enabled

45656 5 tapi Reply 66119 0

45656 5 [Play 1] Playing

45656 5 [Play 1] Playing (Greeting.wav)

45671 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Greeting.wav]

45671 5 RunModule PLAY end

48703 5 tapie monitordigits 49 2

48703 5 LsPlayMsg [1]

48750 5 PlaySoundStop ok

48750 5 [Play 5] Playing

48750 5 [Play 5] Playing (Scott Greeting.wav)

48765 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Scott Greeting.wav]

48765 5 RunModule PLAY end

50343 5 tapie monitordigits 49 2

50343 5 LsPlayMsg [1]

50406 5 PlaySoundStop ok

50406 5 [Record 8] Recording

50421 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voicedlgc\beep1.wav]

50609 5 wb(45040600)

50671 5 Play End line[5] (id=450406)

50671 5 LsRecPlayBeep EV_PLAY_FINISHED

50687 5 RecSoundStart file[C:\converter\sm.wav] ok

50687 5 RecFile[C:\converter\sm.wav]

59437 5 tapie monitortone 1

59734 5 LsRecRecording EV_SILENCE_DETECTED

59734 5 Silence Detected while recording

59781 5 [Run Program 2] Run Program

59781 5 Run Program waiting...

60875 5 Could not find VGRUNRESULT_5.TXT or SHLRESLT.TXT

60875 5 [send Email 10] Send Email

60875 0 Queue Email (SMTP) 4 scott.thibodeau@adelphia.net

60875 5 Send Email OK

60875 5 HangupCall called from [Run module 3098]

60875 5 Hanging up call...

60875 5 PlaySoundStop ok

60875 5 fnHangupCall end

60921 5 tapie linedevstate 2048 0 0

60921 5 tapie callstate IDLE 65812 0 0

60921 5 WorkingMode@Idle=


60921 5 tapi Reply 66102 0

60984 0 Email (SMTP) send start idx=4 scott.thibodeau@adelphia.net

60984 0 smtp Status Connecting to SMTP Server (xstreammedia.net)...

61234 0 smtp Status Initializing Communications...

61359 0 smtp Status Sending Sender Information...

61359 0 smtp Progress 0%

61609 0 smtp Status Sending Recipient Information...

61828 0 smtp Status Sending Message...


61968 5 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE start

61968 5 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:65812) 0

62125 5 lineOpen(5) => 0

62125 5 Waiting for a call...

62125 5 lineOpen(5)LineHandle=66153

62125 0 smtp Status Sending Attachment, sm2.mp3...

62140 0 smtp Progress 15%

62609 0 smtp Progress 30%

63062 0 smtp Progress 44%

63546 0 smtp Progress 59%

64000 0 smtp Progress 74%

64578 0 smtp Progress 89%

65140 0 smtp Progress 100%

66156 0 smtp Progress 100%

66156 0 smtp Status Transmission Complete...

66156 0 smtp Status Closing Connection...

66390 0 smtp SendSuccesful

66390 0 Email (SMTP) send end

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Have you tried using "exit" instead of "close" ?


Have you tried using v5.0 Beta ?

The email module setup is much better in v5.0 then it was in v4.9

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Yes i have used "exit" as well, and the DOS Window stays open (Only when executing in VG).


I am not having any email issues, - The problem is related to i believe is that because VG is unable to close the DOS window it thinks the process has falied, so the expression on Success goto email module does not work and when i include on fail goto email module - it proceeds and everything works. But that is not a satifacory solution as the dos window must close otherwise i will have a 1000 dos windows open everyday.


As for the ability to close the dos window it works fine when i run the batch by itself, I only have a problem when VG exzecutes it.


Please help - Thank

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Have you tried setting up a shortcut to the batch file (link file - .LNK suffix) and running that instead?

do a DIR in DOS to see what is the exact filename of the shortcut.

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Yes i have and that is how i actualy got the batch file to actualy run, now i need it to close the DOS window.


Please try building a batch file and have it run through the VG RUn Program Module and see if you can get it to close after it is done running the batch file. It is critical that i get this problem resolved - Thanks

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Well it looks like that every version of Windows will start the batch files differently and each version of Windows uses different methods of deciding whether or not the DOS windows close after running the batch files.


More info can be gleaned from : http://www.google.com.au/groups

Run a search on: closing DOS window after running batch file


and read the many suggestions and see which one works for you...


Generally, for Win95/98/ME systems:

Put CLS before EXIT.

and for NT:

use START /B instead of COMMAND.COM /C  use "Start /?" command to lean more about Start.


At our offices we use Win2000 or XP and all the DOS windows which were running batch files from VG's Run Program module just close themselves without anything special being required...



Another Approach:

In Run Program module select "Wait until Program Finishes" and then specify a Timeout path - when the timeout is reached VoiceGuide will forcibly shutdown the called program and continue on to the Module specified in the Timeout path. The timeout value should be large enough to ensure that any processing done by the batch file completes before VoiceGuide forcibly closes it down...



I'd probably suggest getting something simple to work first - like the test that was described a few posts before:


I've just tried this: In Run Program Module:


command.com /c c:\doecho.bat


contents of c:\doecho.bat:


echo This is a test from VoiceGuide > c:\myout.txt


and file c:\myout.txt was created with "This is a test from VoiceGuide" in it, confirming that VoiceGuide is calling the batch files. (the windows did close afterwards as well on our system)

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Thanks for all your help, but i finaly isolated what the problem is as i had tested opening up MS Word and the dos windows closed successfully, I also duplicated your ECHO test which also worked fine, then i went line by line in my batch file trying to isloate which command or application VG was conflicting with. On your guys recommendation i used SOX audio app to covert the incoming recorded sound, this is the confilct that has been giving me so much trouple.


I am assuming since you recommended SOX audio that you would probably have it on your machine. Can you please duplicate my scenario and see if your system automaticaly closes the DOX Prompt upon completeion of the task. If you come across the same problem is there a fix?


Thank you for all your help and let me know your thoughts - Thanks

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To add additional information to my last post - I just noticed that the issue arrises only when i use freq or bit rate conversion SW. In addtion to trying SOX i have tired two other DOS based conversion apps. As i mentioned running other applications like WORD or WAV to MP3 converters everything works fine. The Freq and Bit rate Conversion SW is critical as the audio files must be converted to a form that the WAV to MP3 converter can take to convert to a MP3.


Please HELP - Thank you

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I'd recommend searching the web for another software which you can use instead of the one which is causing problems in the batch file, we can only really spend time assisting on issues directly related to VoiceGuide...

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