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Fine Tuning Questions

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Hello to my friends from down under,


I just completed my VG app with about 60 modules and numerous lines of VB script to control database access inbound & outbound calling & text messaging and I must say, your development system enabled me to pull this off in 6 weeks (part time, nights & weekends). Your VG dialer queue and simple caller-id implementation were of crucial value to me, not to mention the rest of the cool functionality built into VG. I don't know how I could have pulled this off with any other development environment. You guys and your VG IDE are truly awesome!!! I'm buying 24 line run time soon and probably another 24 not too long after that.


Couple of fine tuning type questions:


1.) I thought the trial version could only support a max of 30 modules but mine did not seem to have any trouble using way more than that? My VG for Dialogic (build 3243) trial version still only allows running for 1 hour straight which is a very reasonable restriction to me for development purposes. Did you change the max module limit in the trial version to unlimited?


1.) Currently when I play back "time", your electric lady says the time (12:04 PM for example) as 12, zero, 4 PM. It would be great if we had a option to say the number 0 as "Oh" as in 12 Oh 4 PM. Does this make sense to you? Did she record the letters of the alphabet by chance because the letter O could accomplish the same thing I'm trying to do i.e. 12 O 4 PM.


2.) I have a bunch of VB script subroutines/functions that are shared among several modules. Right now I copy the same body of code from an original source file to several different VB Script modules to have use of the functions in more than one place. Is there anyway to have a #include type capability or better yet can I create a DLL or something that can have these universal functions available to all my various modules within my script and still work with VG for Dialogic? How does one do that?


3.) Is having a large number of modules (60 in my case) in a single script inherently inefficient and will it cause problems when I am running 24 lines on a single computer? I notice you guys really break up your voice mail vgs scripts. Is that for efficiency or just a preferred design thing on your part?



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Your VG dialer queue and simple caller-id implementation were of crucial value to me, not to mention the rest of the cool functionality built into VG. I don't know how I could have pulled this off with any other development environment. You guys and your VG IDE are truly awesome!!!
Thank you :)


Did you change the max module limit in the trial version to unlimited?
Current evaluation version of VoiceGuide for Dialogic does not limit number of modules.

From http://www.voiceguide.com/vgFeatures.htm :

VoiceGuide for Dialogic is not limited in number of modules a script can use


Currently when I play back "time", your electric lady says the time (12:04 PM for example) as 12, zero, 4 PM. It would be great if we had a option to say the number 0 as "Oh" as in 12 Oh 4 PM. Does this make sense to you? Did she record the letters of the alphabet by chance because the letter O could accomplish the same thing I'm trying to do i.e. 12 O 4 PM.
To achieve what you need here you would need to change the 0.wav sound file to have "Oh" sound, or change the lib_num2wav.vbs to use another sound file. Letters of alphabet have not been pre-recorded - you would need to re-record the system sound files in your own voice or contact Allison Smith (see http://www.voiceguide.com/servCallflowDesign.htm) to record the "Oh" sound.


can I create a DLL or something that can have these universal functions available to all my various modules within my script and still work with VG for Dialogic? How does one do that?
Just create a COM object (an "ActiveX DLL") that can be instantiated in VBScript using the CreateObject command. Then you will be able to call functions within that object from within VBScript.


Is having a large number of modules (60 in my case) in a single script inherently inefficient and will it cause problems when I am running 24 lines on a single computer?
There are no adverse effects from having a large script. You will not see a large script execute slower then a system composed of many smaller scripts and vice versa. There is no speed difference in VG jumping between a module in the same script and a module in another script.

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