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Hangup In 1-2 Second When Play Sound File

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Dear Support

VG hangup in 1-2 second when play sound file, pls check whats going wrong





112456.78 5 devstate NUMCALLS 0 0

112456.78 5 tapi callstate OFFERING 66236 0 4

112456.78 5 rv clear

112456.78 5 No old processes from last call (could not obtain handle) 1436, 1392

112456.78 5 answer the call at 01-09-2006 11:24:56 AM

112456.78 5 lineAnswer(66236) => 66151

112456.78 5 ev Lev_CallerID [,,223]

112456.78 5 rv lg add [DNIS]{223}

112456.78 5 callinfo CALLEDID

112456.80 5 callinfo ORIGIN

112456.80 5 ring 0

112457.33 dial start any summary:|5:hc>0|

112457.33 5 tapi callstate CONNECTED 66236 1 0

112457.33 5 callstate CONNECTED 66236,1,0

112457.33 5 WorkingModeTAPI@Connected=

112457.33 5 WorkingModeScript@Connected=

112457.34 5 Inband detection not enabled

112457.34 5 startLoadedVgs at 01-09-2006 11:24:57 AM, script interpretor VgMulti v5.2.5049 0

112457.34 5 rv ns add [scriptsPath]{C:\callcenter\IVR\Script\}

112457.34 5 rv ns add [scriptPath]{C:\callcenter\IVR\Script}

112457.34 5 rv lg add [$RV_STARTTIME]{01-09-2006 11:24:57 AM}

112457.34 5 rv lg add [$RV_DEVICEID]{5}

112457.34 5 rv lg add [$RV_CIDNAME]{}

112457.34 5 rv ns add [PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}

112457.34 5 rv lg add [$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

112457.34 5 rv lg add [$RV_DNIS]{223}

112457.34 5 rv lg add [DNIS]{223}

112457.34 5 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66151 0 LineCallState=CONNECTED

112457.34 5 callinfo MONITORMODES

112457.36 5 timer clear

112457.36 5 state [CheckLoop] Evaluate ["$RV[iVRID]"=""]

112457.36 5 rv replace start: ["$RV[iVRID]"=""]

112457.36 5 rv ns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[DNIS]{223}[scriptsPath]{C:\callcenter\IVR\Script\}[scriptPath]{C:\callcenter\IVR\Script}[$RV_STARTTIME]{01-09-2006 11:24:57 AM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}[$RV_DNIS]{223}[DNIS]{223}

112457.36 5 rv replace end: [""=""]

112457.36 5 .Eval(Cstr(""=""))

112457.36 5 rv lg add [CheckLoop_Input]{""=""}

112457.36 5 rv lg add [CheckLoop]{True}

112457.36 5 Eval Expr result:[True]

112457.36 5 timer clear

112457.36 5 state [initialVariable] Running vb script:[writelog.vgs]

112459.84 0 LoadedVgs_Find C:\callcenter\IVR\Script\writelog.vgs at idx=3

112459.84 5 tapi Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66100 0 LineCallState=IDLE

112459.84 5 timer clear

112459.84 5 state [WriteLogToDB] Running VB Script...

112459.86 5 rv replace start (strlen>500)

112459.86 5 rv ns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[DNIS]{223}[scriptsPath]{C:\callcenter\IVR\Script\}[scriptPath]{C:\callcenter\IVR\Script}[$RV_STARTTIME]{01-09-2006 11:24:57 AM}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}[$RV_DNIS]{223}[DNIS]{223}[CheckLoop_Input]{""=""}[CheckLoop]{True}[DBFConn]{Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=cchd-dps;Database=CallCenter;Integrated Security=SSPI}[sqlConn]{Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=cchd-dps;Database=CallCenter;Integrated Security=SSPI}[VoiceDir]{C:\CallCenter\IVR\Wav}[LogDir]{C:\CallCenter\IVR\Log}[VMailDir]{C:\CallCenter\IVR\voicemail}[VMailURL]{http://CCHD-MKS/VoiceMail}[branchID]{08}[socketServer]{CCHD-DPS}[socketPort]{8011}[QueueInterval]{20000}[LANGID]{0}[iVRID]{51FBF407808A0F419

235D79C324CBF1}[CallQueue]{False}[AgentHost]{CCHD-dps}[FLFILE]{FL080609}[success]{Success}[VoiceDirectory_Input]{"C:\CallCenter\IVR\Wav"}[VoiceDirectory]{C:\CallCenter\IVR\Wav}[DIRSYSTEMVOICE]{C:\CallCenter\IVR\Wav}[scriptStart_Time]{01-09-2006 11:24:57 AM}[scriptStart_CalledFrom_Script]{C:\callcenter\IVR\Script\Initial.vgs}[scriptStart_CalledFrom_Module]{Greeting.vgs}[scriptsPath]{C:\callcenter\IVR\Script\}[Hangup Time]{01-09-2006 11:24:58 AM}

112459.88 5 eng run vbs [wscript "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_5_3_0901112459.vbs" //I] copy of script in: vbs_5_3_0901112459.vbs

112459.91 5 Run Script waiting. iRunWait=1 (shellid=416, process=1596)

112459.91 5 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

112459.95 5 cl RvSet LineStatus, IDLE

112459.95 5 rv lg add [LineStatus]{IDLE}

112459.95 5 cl RvGet_All

112500.14 5 cl RvSet CallQueue, Refresh

112500.14 5 rv lg add [CallQueue]{Refresh}

112500.14 5 cl Run_ResultReturn >>[success]{Success}<<

112500.14 5 rv ns add [success]{Success}

112500.16 5 cl module's runwait=1, WavPlayHasNowFinished=0

112500.16 5 rv lg add [Hangup Time]{01-09-2006 11:25:00 AM}

112500.16 5 state Hanging up call... [Run_ResultReturn - no path match (same vgm)]

112500.16 5 HangupCall_Common Mode=AfterHangupRun

112500.16 5 WriteToLogFiles_CurrScriptOnly start

112500.16 WriteToLogFiles_DoWrite start (C:\callcenter\IVR\Script\writelog)

112500.27 5 ReinitTelephony due to IDLE

112500.27 5 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:66236) 0

112500.31 5 lineOpen(5)=>

112500.33 5 state Waiting for a call...

112500.33 5 LineHandle=66083

112500.33 5 ClearCallHandle called from ReinitAtIdle

112500.33 5 amchk set AMdet=False in Reinit@idle

112500.33 5 timer set 3 EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

112500.33 dial start any summary:|5:rdy=0|

112500.33 5 cl RvSet dStartTime,

112500.34 5 rv lg add [dStartTime]{}

112500.34 5 cl RvSet dTransferTime,

112500.34 5 rv lg add [dTransferTime]{}

112500.34 5 cl RvSet dHangUpTime,

112500.34 5 rv lg add [dHangUpTime]{}

112500.39 5 cl Run_ResultReturn >>[success]{Success}<<

112500.39 5 cl Run_ResultReturn hCall=0 (strWorkingModeScript=) - ignoring returned information (Note: iLineId is probably incorrect, please check this in calling code.)

112503.55 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

112503.55 5 ScriptEventCode 9013 iLineState=900

112504.33 dial start any summary:|5:idx=0|

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It looks like the telephony device itself signaled that the call has ended, which would cause VG to stop playing sound files.


Enable logging by setting the log levels to 10 in VG.INI as per below:









Then restart VG and make a test call which demonstrates the problem.


Debug Trace files will be created in VG's \log\ subdirectory.


Please post the traces and the VoiceGuide script used.


When posting traces/scripts please .ZIP them up and post them as attachments.

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As you are using a Dialogic card you should be using "VoiceGuide for Dialogic". Please download that patch from our WWW and upgrade to using it.


Traces show that the Dialogic's TAPI drivers are indicating that call has finished soon after 205.wav starts playing:

115231.59 5 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\CallCenter\IVR\Wav\202.wav,C:\CallCenter\IVR\Wav\205.wav]

115231.63 5 timer clear

115231.64 5 RunModule PLAY end

115231.73 5 callinfo MONITORMODES

115233.44 5 tapi callstate DISCONNECTED 66099 0 0

115233.45 5 ScriptEventCode 9250 iLineState=1100


This is most liley due to them mistakenly detecting the sound of the 205.wav as the busy/disconnect tone...


Your options are to check the busy/disconnect tone settings in TAPI driver's configuration, or to re-record 205.wav.


Switching to VoiceGuide for Dialogic should be the first step though...

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I have changed to VG for Dialogic, but error still occured, here is the log.

I have convert the sound file to PCM 8kHZ 8 bit Mono, and try with simple script just to play sound file, but VG hangout on 2 - 3 second.


I have setup 10 IVR system before with the same VG version, script and Sound file using same Dialogic Card type D4JCTLS, all previouse system running smoothly, now I want to add new system with same configuration with previouse, then this error occured.


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VoiceGuide for Dialogic trace allowed us to see the exact cause of hangup (which is not actually supplied by TAPI drivers when they inform of disconnect.


The cause is Loop Current drop.


This is something that is happening on the phone line so you should speak with the phone company to ask them why they are dropping loop current.

Another possible cause is a faulty connection - wiring problem which intermittently causes break in actual wire connections.


Trace shows that file C:\callcenter\IVR\Wav8\278.vox started playing at: 155339.554 and about 6 seconds later Loop Current drop was reported by the Dialogic card:


155346.085 001 ev TDX_CST DE_LCOF data=656


Soon after the card reported that the loop current was back up:


155346.117 001 ev TDX_CST DE_LCON data=1


and as the time is so short then it does suggest a wiring problem....


I have setup 10 IVR system before with the same VG version,

Using v5.x of VoiceGuide? If you are not encountering any issues then great, but Dialogic TAPI/Wave interface does have problems and that's why we recommend using VG for Dialogic.



If you are unable to find the wiring problem etc then in VoiceGuide for Dialogic there is an option which makes VG totally ignore the loop current drop, but you're probably better off tracking down the fault as the chances are that the phone company may hangup the call as well if they see a loop current drop...

Edited by SupportTeam

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Using v5.x of VoiceGuide? If you are not encountering any issues then great, but Dialogic TAPI/Wave interface does have problems and that's why we recommend using VG for Dialogic.


Yes, using v5.x of VoiceGuide, I allways used the same phone line special for development before send the machine to Our Branch Office and I believe nothing changed on phone line since I maintain this line by myself.


Is it possible the error caused by dialogic card? but when I test with Dialogic Sample program (Voicehoroscope) that program running smoothly.


I prefer to still use v5.X of Voiceguide since my soundfile quality become drop when convert to VG for Dialogic format


Need your assist further



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I allways used the same phone line special for development before send the machine to Our Branch Office and I believe nothing changed on phone line since I maintain this line by myself.

If you have used the same line all the time then looks like the only difference with the setup is the Dialogic card... Do you have another Dialogic card around to test with instead?


If you are using v5.x then there is nothing that we can do in software to ignore the loop current drop - the TAPI drivers just indicate that call has ended and handle all resetting of call states internally. We can only do 'ignore loop current drop' in v6.x (VG for Dialogic).


Voice Horoscope uses dialogic API (like VG for Dialogic). Maybe they ignore loop current drops in that demo application. You can do a quick test by pulling out the phone cable from Dialogic's socket when Voice Horoscope starts playing. If playing continues then this would indicate that VH ignores loop current drop altogether. If Voice Horoscope hangs up when cable is pulled out it may not prove much as the app could be programmed to ignore short loop current drops which we are seeing here and react to the longer loop current drops (say more then half a second) only.


The sound file quality does suffer if converting from 11kHz to 8kHz due to sampling interpolation required - if you have 22kHz or 44kHz originals then converting down from these to 8kHz would give good results.

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The sound file quality does suffer if converting from 11kHz to 8kHz due to sampling interpolation required - if you have 22kHz or 44kHz originals then converting down from these to 8kHz would give good results.


Unfortunetly i dont have this sound format, anyway could u pls send me v6 (VG for Dialogic) for me testing and if it's work i will do change to this version of VG.


I rely need your help rigth now, since i have a tigth schedule to rollout the system to Our Branch Office




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Voice Horoscope uses dialogic API (like VG for Dialogic). Maybe they ignore loop current drops in that demo application. You can do a quick test by pulling out the phone cable from Dialogic's socket when Voice Horoscope starts playing. If playing continues then this would indicate that VH ignores loop current drop altogether. If VH hangs up when cable is pulled out it may not prove much as the app could be programmed to ignore short loop current drops which we are seeing here and react to the longer loop current drops (say more then half a second) only.


VH hangs up when I pulled the wire out, is there any ne version of TAPI driver rather then the one from Dialogic Installation CD? or is there any special installation/setup for TAPI driver?

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Could u pls send me v6 (VG for Dialogic) for me testing

VoiceGuide for Dialogic is available from our WWW downloads page. I think that you already have it as you have already posted traces in this thread generated using VoiceGuide for Dialogic...


is there any ne version of TAPI driver rather then the one from Dialogic Installation CD? or is there any special installation/setup for TAPI driver?

No (to both questions). Also, Dialogic have stopped supporting their TAPI/Wave drivers a long time ago. They pretty much admitted there are problems with the TAPI/Wave driver and they will not be doing anything to fix these problems.


"VoiceGuide for Dialogic" does not use the TAPI/Wave drivers - that's why we recommend that all customers using Dialogic cards use "VoiceGuide for Dialogic".

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so how to do 'ignore loop current drop' in v6.x (VG for Dialogic).? bcs if I use default setting of v6.x this error stil occured

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In VG.INI, in section [CallControl] set




(I think that you just need to uncomment the existing setting which in the VG.INI right now...)

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I'm using v5.x of VG and change the setting on VG.INI like your suggestion but still doesnt work.


Now how to do 'ignore loop current drop' in v6.x (VG for Dialogic).? since this version doesnt use VG.INI as configuration file

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The VG.INI setting "LoopCurrentDrop=ignore" mentioned before will only work in v6.x


v6.x still reads many settings from VG.INI

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Yes it's work, but now VG realy doesnt hangup event the call was terminated... any sugesstion?

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but now VG realy doesnt hangup event the call was terminated... any sugesstion?

Do you know how end of call is signalled on these lines? Is it by playing a specific tone or is it signalled by a Loop Current drop?


The various ways in which the end of call detection is configured in VG is all outlined in the "End of Call Detection" section of the Help file. Here is an online version of it: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/html/Disc...ctionDetect.htm


Note that as you are deploying this system elsewhere then the other site may not have the intermittent loop current drop problems which you are seeing, and the Disconnect tone may be different as well - so really any disconnect configuration ought to be done on-site.


You should also have the scripts designed in such a way that they do not have any infinite loops in them and will timeout eventually if there is no input from the user.

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