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Say Number Module Problem

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Dear Sir,

I've downloaded the VoiceGuide v 4.9 trail version. I'm not able to play number correctly in HINDI Language.

The basic broblem is that in ENGLISH the number pronunciation is unique for 1 to 20 and 30,40,50,60,70,80 & 90. rest of the number generated with these number . like 21 will be Twenty & One. While in HINDI the number pronunciation is unique from 1 to 99. Like 21 will be "Ekkis" & 20 will be "Bees". I've tried to chage files in c:\Programm Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice but not get success. Kindly provide me the patch which can play the file like 1.wav, 21.wav, 87.wav etc for number.


Thanking in advance

Rajendra prasad


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At this stage it's probably best to create a VBScript which will build the comma delimited list of files to play and which can then be played using a 'Play' module.


Please see v5.0 of VoiceGuide - the voicemail scripts in the \system\vm\ directories for extensive examples of how to use VB Scripts to achieve this in VoiceGuide.


The Say Number scripts will be released as modifiable VB Scripts probably with v5.1 or v5.2 - allowing for easy modification to various countries requirements - but for now they cannot be changed, so writing your own version in VB Script is probably easiest...


Note that when specifying the sound files to play there is no need to specify the full path if the files you want to play can be found in VoiceGuide's \system\voice\ directory.


to play "247" you just specify a string of "2.wav,hundred.wav,47.wav"

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Now I'm able to convert any number to word as per Indian number system. Kindly tell me how to play these number in say number module or play sound file. My filnal file is c:\result.txt which content like

01.wav, hundred.wav, 23.wav, Rupees.wav, Only.wav


Please hemp me sir. I want to play c:\result.txt file.


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Just place the Result Variable which is assigned the string containing the comma delimited file names in a Play module - the Play module can accept an unlimited number of comma delimited sound files and play them one after another...


use c:\result.txt to return this Result Variable, or in v5.0 use one of the COM interface commands to return results back to VoiceGuide....

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