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Voiceguide 5.0 Beta 1

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i just downloaded VG5 and wanted to test the new features. How do i use Subscripting? I didn't find any option for it...


thanks for help.




Patrick Hurrekmann

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To branch (goto) to a script you can specify a path like this:


on {event} goto [script filename |module name]


on {1} goto [c:\scripts\myscript.vgs|PlayWelcome]


To run a subscript (gosub) to a script you can specify a path:


on {event} gosub [script filename |module name]


on {1} gosub [c:\scripts\myscript.vgs|PlayWelcome]


to specify what module should be the next module once the subscript returns the "return" path option should be used. If the "return" path option is not used when the suscript returns then VoiceGuide will start running the default start module in the returned to script.


To specify a return module:


on {event} gosub [script filename |module name] return [return script filename |return module name][/]


on {1} gosub [c:\scripts\admin.vgs|GetUserPin] return [MainMenu]


note that you can instruct the subscript to return to a different script... :) The return script filename can be omitted if you would like the subscript to return to the same script.


to return from the subscript:

on {event} return


on {4} return


Two scripts in the attached .ZIP demostrate the paths.


Please also update the Beta1 install with the new version of VGMULTI.EXE in the .ZIP (5.0.1002)



At this stage please also see the voicemail system scripts in VoiceGuide's \system\vm\ directory.


These have extensive examples on calling subscripts, branching and returning using the new VoiceGuide COM interface - which allows you to goto/gosub/return using from within a VB Script, and also allows you to control VoiceGuide script execution from external applications, VB Scripts, Java Scripts etc....


When you are using Voicemail in v5.0 you are using these scripts - if you want ot go back to using the built-in Voicemail system you can change the VG.IN setting VmSystemUsed. from VG.INI file:


;VmSystemUsed - whether the "Builtin" or the "Scripted" voicemail system

;should be used.

;Builtin is built into VoiceGuide itself.

;Scripted is created using the Voiceguide Scritps in \system\vm\ directory.



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