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Is It Possible ..?

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I have two different telephone numbers from two different telephone companies connected to port One and port Two on my dialogic card D/4PCI. On the port One I have an application that covers 6 different scripts with the phone number 08-1111111 from company A. I think that with this port is more than enough to take care of the call from our customers (this is not a very busy system).


On the other hand, I have only one script, called Locksmith running on port Two with the number 08-4444444 from company B. I know that this second telephone company, unlike the first one, can handle the 3-way conference service without any problem.


All the customers must dial the 08-1111111 phone number from company A to get access to all the scripts. Now, what I would like to know if it is possible to pass through all the calls from port One to port Two from those customer that want to get access to the Locksmith script, so that port Two takes over those calls.


Thank you for your help!


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I would like to know if it is possible to pass through all the calls from port One to port Two from those customer that want to get access to the Locksmith script, so that port Two takes over those calls.

How would you be able to pass the call from one line to another if you had live agents sitting answering the calls instead of the Dialogic card?

Do you have a way to do this on your phone system?

The only way this would be possible would be if the line from company A could transfer calls to another phone number...

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I´ve been reading about the Bridge_Connect COM function. I wonder if it is something that I could use in the main application to redirect those customer that want to get access to the Locksmith script from the main application? Or should it be already two calls in order to use this COM function to connect the two calls?


Maybe is it possible to indicate a line/port when specifying which module the caller goes to. For example, the main application starts with a list of all the services, so I wonder if it is possible to indicate in the Path which module/script to run and on what line/port ? For example:

On {1} goto [c:\Voice\Locksmith\locksmith.vgs|welcome,<which-line-to-run>] or something like this?


Thank you for your help!


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The Bridge_Connect COM functions connects two exiting calls on two different lines together. It does not transfer/redirect any calls.

Or should it be already two calls in order to use this COM function to connect the two calls?


Maybe is it possible to indicate a line/port when specifying which module the caller goes to. For example, the main application starts with a list of all the services, so I wonder if it is possible to indicate in the Path which module/script to run and on what line/port ? For example:

On {1} goto [c:\Voice\Locksmith\locksmith.vgs|welcome,<which-line-to-run>] or something like this?

If you want to have the call to be sent to another line then you have to look into how to tell the phone company to sent the call to this other line - ie: how to transfer the call. If you cannot transfer the call then you cannot transfer the call to another line...

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If you cannot transfer the call then you cannot transfer the call to another line...


Yes, I can and it works fine.


Now, I have another question. I wonder if it is possible to detect if the line on which the script is running is busy with another call. I mean if there is a global variable or another method to check the status of this $RV_LINEID?


Thank you for your help!


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Which version of VG are you using? If v5.x then use:




or use this COM function:




Line_State_CallState VoiceGuide COM Reference


End the call on the specified line.




sResult = object.Line_State_CallState(iLineId)


Part Description




object Required : VoiceGuide object




iLineId Required : Identification number of the line.




sResult : Call State






set vg = CreateObject("VoiceGuide.CommandLink")

sCallState = vg.Line_State_CallState($RV_LINEID)

Msgbox sCallState

set vg = Nothing

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Which version of VG are you using? If v5.x


I have voiceguide version 6.0.2034 Enterprise. However , neither of your solutions workded for me. When using the COM function I get the error saying this: "The object does not support this property or the method: vg.Line_State_CallState"


And when using the variable $RV_CALLSTATE in my VB script module :

set vg = CreateObject("VoiceGuide.CommandLink")

sCallState = vg.RvGet($RV_LINEID,"RV_CALLSTATE")

set vg = Nothing

Msgbox sCallState


it pops up just the name of the variable, not the state (busy,...)


Do you know what I am doing wrong?


Thank you!


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Could you tell me why this script doesn´t complete?


set vg = CreateObject("VoiceGuide.CommandLink")

sCallState=vg.RvGet($RV_LINEID, "RV_CALLSTATE")

'wait until the state of the call changes

Do While sCallState = "CONNECTED"


  sCallState=vg.RvGet($RV_LINEID, "RV_CALLSTATE")





Msgbox "End loop"


'The max talk time is defined to 300 seconds in the VG.ini file

if vg.RvGet($RV_LINEID, "RV_CALLLENGTH") < 300 then

  vg.Line_Hangup $RV_LINEID

end if


vg.Run_ResultReturn $RV_LINEID, "success"

set vg = Nothing


The trace log shows that every 3 seconds it reads the $RV_CALLSTATE variable. I don´t know why voiceguide doesn´t continue with this script when the state of this variable changes to another value; IDLE,.... I think so because the "End loop" message never pops up. Instead, voiceguide continues with the next module.


Any ideas?




095635,59 5 cl RvGet RV_CALLSTATE

095635,67 5 rv replace start: [$RV_CALLSTATE]

095635,75 5 rvns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program\VoiceGuide\system\}[$RV_STARTTIME]{2005-11-10 09:55:19}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program\VoiceGuide\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Voice_jose_testing\CallState\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{84429040}[Transfer Call 4]{1}

095635,83 5 rv replace end: [CONNECTED]

095636,47 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095636,55 5 event ScriptEventCode EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE, code=9007, state=1501

095636,63 5 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095636,72 5 task still running (shellid=3792, process=2392)

095636,80 5 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095637,98 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095638,06 5 event ScriptEventCode EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE, code=9007, state=1501

095638,14 5 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095638,22 5 task still running (shellid=3792, process=2392)

095638,31 5 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095638,92 5 cl RvGet RV_CALLSTATE

095639,00 5 rv replace start: [$RV_CALLSTATE]

095639,08 5 rvns [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program\VoiceGuide\system\}[$RV_STARTTIME]{2005-11-10 09:55:19}[$RV_DEVICEID]{5}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program\VoiceGuide\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Voice_jose_testing\CallState\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{84429040}[Transfer Call 4]{1}

095639,17 5 rv replace end: [CONNECTED]

095639,80 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095639,88 5 event ScriptEventCode EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE, code=9007, state=1501

095639,95 5 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095640,05 5 task still running (shellid=3792, process=2392)

095640,13 5 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095641,31 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095641,39 5 event ScriptEventCode EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE, code=9007, state=1501

095641,47 5 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095641,55 5 task still running (shellid=3792, process=2392)

095641,64 5 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095642,81 5 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095642,89 5 event ScriptEventCode EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE, code=9007, state=1501

095642,97 5 LsRunWaitTillFinished EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

095643,05 5 task completed (shellid=3792, process=2392) vgm=83, iRunWait=1, iRunWait_ExeResult_NextVgm=0

095643,13 5 no result file returned from program (VGRUNRESULT_5.TXT or SHLRESLT.TXT)

095643,22 5 task completed LsRunWaitChooseNext iNextVgm=82

095643,30 5 fn RunModule start

095643,38 5 timer clear

095643,45 5 Play Module start

095643,53 5 state [Play 1] Playing

095643,61 5 state [Play 1] Playing ()




Thank you!



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Hi again,


I´ve been testing more why the VB script module doesn´t complete and when I press the hangup button in the voiceguide window then it pops up the "End loop" message as I think it should do all the time, no matter the state of the line.


Is it suppose to work like this? I mean voiceguide is running inside a VB script module so I think voiceguide should wait until this script module completes before "jumping" to the next module.


Could you tell me how this works or what I am doing wrong?


Thank you!


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Please post the script which we can use on our test system. We can the run some tests and see what is happening.

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I wonder if there is a problem with the script I sent you? I am waiting for your answer.




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It is really important to me to know what is going on, what the problem is and how I can fix it.


I really appreciate your help!





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Could you tell me why you haven´t answered my post with title "Is it possible?". I sent you the script you wanted to test for two weeks ago and I haven´t heard anything from you yet.


I can't develop my application because of this so it is really important that you can tell me what is wrong with my script, or voiceguide.


Thank you!




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The only feedback we got so far is that this is still beeing looked at...

We should have someting more concrete then that before end of the week.

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Please update your system with attached .exe


This version now reacts to "Disconnect" and "Busy" etc. signals recieved while the VBScript is running - which we think is what you require to make your system run as you intend.


We tested it and the right MsgBox popped up in your demo script upon call hangup.

Note that the modules "bye" etc will not be executed as the call has already finished - only the currently runnning VBScript is allowed to complete naturally.


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I have updated my system with this new .exe file and I see the below Error when starting voiceguide and when testing the script.


See the attached file.


Any ideas?


Thank you!



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Please stop VoiceGuide, then delete the file OutDial.mdb in VG's \data\ subdirectory, then restart VoiceGuide.

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then delete the file OutDial.mdb in VG's \data\ subdirectory

I can´t find this OutDial.mdb file anywhere. However, there are two files from Microsoft Access; EmailQue and OutDialQue. Should I delete any of these files instead?


Thank you!


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Should I delete any of these files instead?

Yes. VoiceGuide will recreate them when it restarts and it will recreate them in the new format.

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I deleted the two mdb files as you recommended. Now, I don´t get the Error message anymore. However, when looking at the .vgm file I see that voiceguide is writing the same text all the time. So, I think something is not working right. See the attached file.


Thank you four your help!




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