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Pbx Announced Transfer

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I am using the PBX announced transfer option. It works fine when I call a person and this person answer the phone. But if this person, for some reason, does not answer the phone then I would like to make another call in my application and here it is where the problem appears. I see that VG hangs up on the first call and I also see that VG tries to make the second call, but instead of calling to this second phone number it is on my own phone where I hear the file \VoiceGuide\system\voice\TsfrAskAccept.wav.



Here it is what I get in the file 0825vgm

184909,14 12 [Call_locksmith_both] Announced Transfer to 084429042 (Generate)

184909,14 12 tapic lineGenerateDigits(65624 [!] 100) => ok

184909,80 12 generate LINEGENERATETERM_DONE

184909,80 12 timer set 1  EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184910,89 12 timer fired EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184910,89 12 ScriptEventCode 9602 iLineState=1900

184910,89 12 LsXferStart EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184910,89 12 timer set 1  EV_HOOKFLASHFINISHED

184912,08 12 timer fired EV_HOOKFLASHFINISHED

184912,08 12 ScriptEventCode 9200 iLineState=1905

184912,08 12 LsXferPlayVts EV_HOOKFLASHFINISHED

184912,08 12 tapic lineGenerateDigits(65624 [084429042] 100) => ok

184913,78 12 generate LINEGENERATETERM_DONE

184913,78 12 timer set 1  EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184914,81 12 timer fired EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184914,81 12 ScriptEventCode 9602 iLineState=1905

184914,81 12 LsXferPlayVts EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184914,81 12 [Call_locksmith_both] Playing (call_transfer.wav)

184914,81 12 play set playid=738312

184914,81 12 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Voice\Locksmith\call_transfer.wav]

184914,81 12 timer clear

184914,81 12      wa(10464,73831200)

184914,81 12 callinfo MONITORMODES

184925,34 12 play  end current play (playid=738312)

184925,34 12 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1906

184925,34 12 LsXferPlayAnn EV_PLAY_FINISHED

184925,34 12 LsXferPlayAnn EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

184925,34 12 [Call_locksmith_both] Playing (call_transfer.wav)

184925,34 12 play set playid=748843

184925,36 12 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Voice\Locksmith\call_transfer.wav]

184925,36 12 timer clear

184925,36 12      wa(10464,74884300)

184925,36 12 callinfo MONITORMODES

184935,89 12 play  end current play (playid=748843)

184935,89 12 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1906

184935,89 12 LsXferPlayAnn EV_PLAY_FINISHED

184935,89 12 LsXferPlayAnn EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

184935,89 12 [Call_locksmith_both] Playing (call_transfer.wav)

184935,89 12 play set playid=759390

184935,91 12 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Voice\Locksmith\call_transfer.wav]

184935,91 12 timer clear

184935,91 12      wa(10464,75939000)

184935,91 12 callinfo MONITORMODES

184946,44 12 play  end current play (playid=759390)

184946,44 12 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1906

184946,44 12 LsXferPlayAnn EV_PLAY_FINISHED

184946,45 12 tapic lineGenerateDigits(65624 [!] 100) => ok

184947,11 12 generate LINEGENERATETERM_DONE

184947,11 12 timer set 1  EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184948,17 12 timer fired EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184948,17 12 ScriptEventCode 9602 iLineState=1906

184948,17 12 LsXferPlayAnn EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184948,17 12 eng  PlayFinishCause=CallAcceptWaitTimedOut

184948,17 12 eng  Going down Timeout path (iXferType=1)

184948,17 12 timer clear

184948,17 12 [Play 5] Playing

184948,17 12 [Play 5] Playing (tack message.wav)

184948,17 12 play set playid=771671

184948,17 12 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Voice\Locksmith\tack message.wav]

184948,17 12 timer clear

184948,17 12 RunModule PLAY end

184948,17 12      wa(6759,77167100)

184948,17 12 callinfo MONITORMODES

184954,95 12      wb(77167100)

184955,02 12 play  end current play (playid=771671)

184955,02 12 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1100

184955,02 12 LsPlayMsg EV_PLAY_FINISHED

184955,02 12 timer set 10  EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

184955,02 12 timer set 0  EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

184955,02 12 ScriptEventCode 9002 iLineState=1101

184955,02 12 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

184955,02 12 rv    lg add [Play 5]{timeout}

184955,02 12 timer clear

184955,02 12 timer set 0,4  EV_TIMEOUT_READYTOBEGINTRANSFER


184955,45 12 ScriptEventCode 9012 iLineState=1900



184955,45 12 [Transfer Call 19] Announced Transfer to 0739389890 (Generate)

184955,45 12 tapic lineGenerateDigits(65624 [!] 100) => ok

184956,11 12 generate LINEGENERATETERM_DONE

184956,11 12 timer set 1  EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184957,20 12 timer fired EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184957,20 12 ScriptEventCode 9602 iLineState=1900

184957,20 12 LsXferStart EV_TAPI_GENERATE

184957,20 12 timer set 1  EV_HOOKFLASHFINISHED

184958,36 12 timer fired EV_HOOKFLASHFINISHED

184958,36 12 ScriptEventCode 9200 iLineState=1905

184958,36 12 LsXferPlayVts EV_HOOKFLASHFINISHED

184958,36 12 tapic lineGenerateDigits(65624 [0739389890] 100) => ok

185000,27 12 generate LINEGENERATETERM_DONE

185000,27 12 timer set 1  EV_TAPI_GENERATE

185001,31 12 timer fired EV_TAPI_GENERATE

185001,31 12 ScriptEventCode 9602 iLineState=1905

185001,31 12 LsXferPlayVts EV_TAPI_GENERATE

185001,31 12 [Transfer Call 19] Playing (call_transfer.wav)

185001,31 12 play set playid=784812

185001,31 12 PlaySoundStart ok [C:\Voice\Locksmith\call_transfer.wav]

185001,31 12 timer clear

185001,31 12      wa(10464,78481200)

185001,31 12 callinfo MONITORMODES

185010,42 12 dtmf 1  (65624,49,2)

185010,42 12 ScriptEventCode 49 iLineState=1906

185010,44 12 LsXferPlayAnn 1

185010,44 12 rv    lg add [Transfer Call 19]{1}

185010,44 12 timer set 1  EV_PLAY_FINISHED

185010,48 12 PlaySoundStop err=0

185010,48 12 dtmf 1  (65624,49,2)

185010,48 12 ScriptEventCode 49 iLineState=1906

185010,48 12 LsXferPlayAnn 1

185010,48 12 rv    lg add [Transfer Call 19]{1}

185010,48 12 timer set 1  EV_PLAY_FINISHED

185010,48 12 PlaySoundStop err=0

185011,50 12 timer fired EV_PLAY_FINISHED

185011,50 12 ScriptEventCode 8001 iLineState=1906

185011,50 12 LsXferPlayAnn EV_PLAY_FINISHED

185011,50 12 ScriptEventCode 9602 iLineState=1906

185011,50 12 LsXferPlayAnn EV_TAPI_GENERATE

185011,50 12 eng  PlayFinishCause=CallAccepted

185011,50 12 eng  Success path not defined - hanging up (iXferType=1)

185011,50 12 timer set 1  EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

185012,59 12 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

185012,59 12 ScriptEventCode 9001 iLineState=1906

185012,59 12 LsXferPlayAnn EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

185012,59 12 rv    lg add [Hangup Time]{2005-08-25 18:50:12}

185012,59 12 Hanging up call...

185012,59 12 RecSoundStop ok

185012,59 12 PlaySoundStop err=0


185012,59 12 fnHangupCall end

185012,64 12 linedevstate 2048 0 0

185012,64 12 callstate IDLE 65624 0 0

185012,64 12 WorkingMode@Idle=

185012,64 12 timer clear

185012,69 12 timer set 1  EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

185012,70 12 tapi  Reply (LineEvReply) ok 66393 0

185013,69 12 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

185013,69 12 ScriptEventCode 9008 iLineState=900

185013,69 12 LsAwaitingCalls EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

185013,69 12      ReinitTelephony due to IDLE

185013,69 12 tapic lineDeallocateCall(MainCall:65624) 0

185013,75 12 lineOpen(12)=>

185013,75 12 Waiting for a call...

185013,75 12 LineHandle=66017

185013,75 12 amchk set AMdet=False in Reinit@idle

185013,75 12 timer set 3  EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

185013,80  0 dial  start any summary:|6:dok=0|7:dok=0|8:dok=0|9:dok=0|10:idx=0|11:idx=0|12:rdy=0|13:idx=0|

185017,03 12 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

185017,03 12 ScriptEventCode 9013 iLineState=900




What am I doing wrong? Any help?

Thank you !


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Which version of VoiceGuide are you using?

VoiceGuide version 5.2.4000 Enterprise, VG Dialer.

Are you using a Dialogic card?

Yes, D/41 JCT.


I do not understand how this work. What I am trying to do is the following: Phone A calls my application, and the application tries to call Phone B; now if Phone B answers then voiceguide completes the transfer and Phone A speaks to Phone B. But when Phone B does not answer the call, then the application should call Phone C, but this is what happens depending on:


- If Phone A did not hang up then it is Phone A which listens to the sound file before accepting the call which I think it is wrong since it is Phone A that made the call.


- If Phone A did hang up then the application will call Phone C and when Phone C pick up the call, first I hear the sound file before accepting the call and when Phone C accepts the call the only thing I hear it is some music. However, Phone A hanged up before, so why is the application calling Phone C?


Thank you!


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Please switch to using VG for Dialogic and try the transfers again. Your current registration code will work.

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Please switch to using VG for Dialogic and try the transfers again.



I do not think I understand your answer. Could you explain what you mean by switching to using VG for Dialogic? Or could you tell me where I can read the information that I need?


Thank you!



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On our WWW's Downloads page you will see a link to "VoiceGuide for Dialogic" (v6.0.2092). Please download that patch and install on your system.

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I have installed this patch and nothing works as it used to even though I followed the instrucctions according to the Readme file.


I am using voiceguide version 6.0.2001 and I have two cards in my computer; D/41 JCT-LS and D/4PCI. So I have edited the Config.xml file so that voiceguide will control the eight lines.


So far so good, but when I try to use the button "Setup wizard" to select the script for each line, it pops up a window saying "Edit the LinesConfig.xml file" which does not exist. However, there is another file "ConfigLine.xml" which I don´t know if it is this one the popup window means and even if it means this file I don´t know what I have to edit.


Anyway, I could select the script for each line and run the current script but its behaviour was very strange; for example when I called the script and the script started running then I just hanged up the phone but the script continued.


Here I send you the two files (Config.xml and ConfigLine.xml) in case it may help you to understand my problems.



Thank you for your help!



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then I just hanged up the phone but the script continued.

On analog lines yon need to set the disconnect tone correctly in order for the Dialogic card to know what tone to listen out for when call is ended.

The tone is set "ConfigLine.xml".


What does the disconnect tone on your system sound like? Can you .ZIP up a recording of it and post it here?

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What does the disconnect tone on your system sound like? Can you .ZIP up a recording of it and post it here?


I opened this file in the audacity program (View->Plot Spectrum) but I can´t see how to obtain the values that I have to update in the ConfigLine.xml file. Could you help me with that?


Thank you!




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The attached recording is very short and does not contain any porting of th disconnect tone.


To record the disconnect tone start the record module in VG Script, and Hangup the call when the script reaches that module.

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I wonder if you got some information from the last file (disconnectedTone.zip), and could you tell me where (TSP, DCM or ConfigLine.xml )I have to introduce these values?


Thank you!


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1. open the file in Audacity

2. highlight the section of the sound file where the tone is present

3. Go to "View" menu and select "Plot Spectrum"

4. Note at what frequency the peak(s) is/are.

5. measure lengths of on/off times by highlighting these sections and looking at the selection's timing data at bottom of Audacity's window.

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