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Branching On Error (in Database Query module)

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The release notes for v5.2.3b indicates that the Database Query module now supports branching on error paths. Would you be kind enough to elaborate on this?





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You can specify paths which will be taken when specific errors occur when the connection to the database is being opened or the SQL command is being executed.


The database driver returns an error number and a description of the error.

Either can be used as the 'Path Trigger'.


Eg. when using DAO driver with an Access database error 3031 usually indicates that the supplied database password was incorrect. Error 3061 indicates that SQL statement had too few parameters. The path you would use would be like this:


on {3031} goto [Database has different password now]


Any errors will show up in the log file, so if you are encountering database errors just look in the MMDDvgm.txt log and you will be able to see there the error number and description and you will be able to then set up paths to intercept any future occurrences of similar errors in VG Script.

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