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Voice Guide Setup

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Hi , So in our Sass application, we have this table called Voice guide.
I am having your company do the setup. I have this database called Voice Guide
with these fields 
integer Auto Increment [nextval('"VoiceGuideQue_V_tran_ID_seq"')]
Voice Guide will run on another server.   The Information to make the call will be in this table.in our saas server. 
V_tran_ID                                     , autoincremental ID
V_tenantID                                  , Internal reference number for us
V_CustomerNum                     , Internal Reference number 
V_Message                                  , Text to Voice Message 
V_Language                                 , Which Voice to use for the Call (Spanish Or English will purchase 2 Voices from cepstral 
V_Results                                      , Results of the call, from voice guide when call is made (Update by voice call)
V_CellPhone                                , Telephone to call 
V_Compleated                           ,  be default it will be (N) when voice guide makes  the call it changes it to (Y) ((Updated by Voice Guide))
V_TimeDateCalled                   , Date and time called was made   ((Updated By Voice Guide))
V_Inv_number                             , Internal Reference Number 
V_Branch                                        , Internal Reference number 
SO We would like the voice guide server to pick up data from this Postgeesql table, make the call, and then update this table with the results 
3 Fields 
V_compleated               with the call, or an attempt was made to change it to (Y)
V_TimedateCalled       update with the date and time the call was made
V_Results                          the results of the call.
We had the system a few years ago, and it's a similar process. This should not be an issue.
The setting for calling will be the same for all call types.
The Message will be the same for all , Onanswerline,onAnswerMachine,OnAnswerFax,
retries will be the same for all 3 
Please advise if this scenario is ok 

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This post appears to be similar in nature to this previous thread from about a month ago:


The various ways in which outgoing calls can be loaded into VoiceGuide Dialer are listed here: https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/outbound-ivr-dialer-introduction.htm

VoiceGuide Dialer does use a database internally, in which the outgoing calls that have been loaded in VoiceGuide Dialer are stored until they are made. VoiceGuide Dialer software is programmed to put the supplied call details into that internal database, and then read entries from that database when making the actual calls, and then update tables in that database with call results. VoiceGuide Dialer's internal programming writes and reads to/from specific fields in specific table names in that databse, and then updates specific fields in specific table names. These names are set in the code compiled into the VoiceGuide .EXE. You cannot change the compiled .EXE. The names of tables/fields used by VoiceGuide are hard-set, and you cannot just go into the .EXE and change those names of the database tables/fields that VoiceGuide is programmed to use.

Some users like the approach of just loading calls directly into those internal VoiceGuide's databases, and/or have the VoiceGuide database run on a different engine then the default one that VoiceGuide uses (SQLite). This is allowed, and supported by us, and we provide information on how to achieve that. Here: https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/dial_vgdb_external_config.htm


If you want to load calls direct into the database table that VoiceGuide Dialer is programmed to read the call details from, then take a look at VoiceGuide's "callque" and "calltrack" tables. You should be loading your call details into those tables and then read the call outcomes from those tables (from "calltrack"). There are fields in the "calltrack" table where you can insert your own "Internal Reference numbers" like your "Tenant_ID" and "Customer_Number" and "Branch" and whatever custom data you need to associate with the call that will then let you correlate the call back with your own data.

Note that you can also add fields to the "calltrack" table and insert your own data into those fields. VoiceGuide does not care if any table has additional fields created in them. So you can use that approach and add whatever extra data you want to attach to each record loaded into the "calltrack" table.

VoiceGuide internal database table structures can be seen in the .SQL files in this directory: "C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\System\setup\". The .SQL files there show how the various tables in the database that is used by VoiceGuide are created, and you should use those provided "CREATE TABLE"  SQL commands to create the tables in your own database.

There are a number of database tables used by VoiceGuide internally. All of those tables should be created on your PostgreSQL database. Then point VoiceGuide to use your database - as per instructions provided in https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/dial_vgdb_external_config.htm

Note that it sounds like you do not need to use the 'portotuse' table in your case, so the <OutDialQue_PortToUse_LinkField> field in your Config.xml should be set to "Disable" - as per instructions in https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/dial_vgdb_external_config.htm


If you want to have your own database to store call details and not use VoiceGuide's internal "callque" and "calltrack" tables then that's fine, but then you have to decide how you are going to take the calls from your own database and load those calls into VoiceGuide. Please refer to https://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/outbound-ivr-dialer-introduction.htm for the various ways in which that can be done.


Probably the simplest approach in your case is to just load calls using the "OutDial File" method, and then monitor the "calltrack" table to see how those outgoing calls are progressing.

In PostgreSQL you could also use TRIGGERS  - which you can for example set up to run your own code as soon as VoiceGuide updates the "calltrack" table - so you can use that mechanism to get your own database tables updated as soon as VoiceGuide updates the "calltrack" table.

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