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Transfer To Random Extension

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I would like set up a script to randomly select anumber form list and then pass the selected number to the transfer call moduleto perform the transfer.

Please show me the script syntax as I believe it requires reading from a file (open text file) and to Randomize the result and pass the $RV result to the transfer module

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So far I have come this far with the script - need assistance to complete the transfer section




set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

Set ofso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set ofile = ofso.OpenTextFile("C:Program Files\Voiceguide\Scripts\Project\extensions.txt",FOR_READING)


arrFile = Split(ofile.readall,vbCrLf)




i = Int((Rnd * UBound(arrFile)))


arrLine = Split(arrFile(i),",")


For i=0 To UBound(arrLine)

WScript.Echo arrLine(i)



vg.Script_Goto iLineId, "", "TransferToExt", sRv


set fso = Nothing

set vg = Nothing







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Probably the most straightforward approach here would be to use a "Run VBScript" type module and make it run a VBScript that opens the input file (or to simplify just set the phone numbers in the VBScript) and loads them into an array. Then a random selection of the array index is made and the contents of that array entry are saved as $RV which is then used in Transfer Call module.

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Why was this included:


arrLine = Split(arrFile(i),",")




The below should probably be enough:


set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")
Set ofso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ofile = ofso.OpenTextFile("C:Program Files\Voiceguide\Scripts\Project\extensions.txt",FOR_READING)

arrFile = Split(ofile.readall,vbCrLf)


i = Int((Rnd * UBound(arrFile)))

sRv = "[xferdest]{" & arrFile(i) & "}"

vg.Script_Goto iLineId, "", "TransferToExt", sRv

set ofile = Nothing
set ofso = Nothing
set vg = Nothing



then use $RV[xferdest] in the module "TransferToExt"

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Thank you


Here is the final script that works for other like me who need a little help on the coding...





set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

Set ofso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set ofile = ofso.OpenTextFile("C:\Program Files\Voiceguide\Scripts\Project\extensions.txt",FOR_READING)


arrFile = Split(ofile.readall,vbCrLf)




i = Int((Rnd * UBound(arrFile)))


sRv = "[TransfertoExt]{" & arrFile(i) & "}"

'sRv = arrFile(i)


vg.Script_Goto $RV_LINEID, "", "TransferToExt", sRv

'vg.Script_Goto $RV_LINEID, "", "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Project\Project.vgs\TransferToExt", sRv


set ofile = Nothing

set ofso = Nothing

set vg = Nothing

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